Doctor do no harm, except for depressed Canadians

I wonder when Obamacare doctors will start killing their patients for the benefit of the state…

killing mentally ill patients who wish to die ignores their illness but Canada has a lack of psychiatrists…


…and some of the doctors they do have…Canada wants them…“re-educated”.

Canadian Court Orders Jordan Peterson to Take Re-education Program cuz they don’t like his…politics.

In January of this year, best-selling author Jordan Peterson was told by Canada’s College of Psychologists of Ontario to undergo re-education therapy for his very public statements, not on professional psychology and science, but politics and culture. The Canadian College of Psychologists holds Peterson says things they don’t care for and feel they have the duty to fix his beliefs. Peterson took his case to court because the College’s order threatens his professional licensure.

The Ontario Divisional ​C​​ourt dismissed Dr​.​ Peterson’s claim in late August and upheld the College of Psychologists’ demand.

Just how is a person, who is officially diagnosed as suffering from mental illness, legally of sound mind to make such a decision?


you’re not supposed to think like that- government is omniscient and omnibenevolent

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Sounds like leaving the old and infirm on the ice for the polar bears.

if only they could swim over to get to them

It’s not like polar bears can swim and then climb up onto the ice flow… err, they are probably the most capable swimmer of all large land animals and spend their winter on the ice and diving into the Artic Ocean to hunt seals and drag them from the water back onto the ice flow…

but algore promised…

He was involved in creating a trading platform that was supposed to be exclusively used by the commodities exchanges to trade carbon credits. And, of course, the organization that created the trading platform was to make a small royalty, per trade, on every carbon credit trade going through the system. Al couldn’t possibly have an ulterior motive to push for the creation of a market that just happened to need his platform.

carbon credits aren’t as good as carbon paper