All I did was link a single article about the existence of altruism. Two minutes ago, you clearly thought it was nonexistent. Seems like that might be something worth thinking about all by itself.
And I assure you of two things. 1. It is true that Russia is not a paper tiger when it comes to nuclear weapons and 2. I am not pissed that Putin can’t blackmail everyone.
I don’t know what you are curious about, but that’s ok. Don’t bother.
At @WuWei and others is what you don’t seem to get is Russia sees the US and Europe as synonymous we are both the enemy.
US sanctions severely crippled his economy and friends so whether you think its nothing to do with the US, actions taken by your government have affected him deeply and he sees you as his biggest enemy.
He gets weapons from China, the Ukraine gets weapons from the US so I’ll leave you to do the maths.
And why in God’s name is anyone defending Russia when you fought a war in Vietnam for 10 years opposing communism (and i mean real communism, not the libs are all commies kind)
Why is it all of a sudden no big deal.
And again with the Nato is bleeding us dry, both our economies depend on each other so any investment is mutually beneficial, the Eu is the Us’s biggest trading partner so how is maintaining that alliance not important.
Here is a guy threatening nuclear war and you want to be all like, hum uh this has nothing to do with us, when in fact you are probably the only thing standing in the way of this happening.
Then maybe we should stop taking those actions. They are not in our own best interests. They are not needed to defend the US. So maybe we should stop that ■■■■■
You do know, dont you that we have long maintained a policy that includes first strike in a nuclear exchange? Russia doesn’t have to fire one nuke and our policy says we can send the first one over.
Are you on a stream of consciousness narrative rant? You claimed that we need need to defend our traditional western values . I showed that it is Putin defending those values… not us. You then say . "Yeah but… "
No you are, Russia is an existential threat to the world and you want to claim they represent our values…
Yeah so much so they threatened to blow it all up.