Do You Not Want to Own Property or Recieve an Inheritance Young People?

Your OP makes the assertion that voting for the Democratic party equates to eliminating private property. Stick with your premise and try to back it up. Quit trying to back pedal.

If he did he is wrong. That is however off topic. Pointing the finger at others to deflect is not an argument.

They are, not totally out with all of their thinking, it’s part of the propaganda & deceit.

Who exactly is calling for the abolition of private property?

All of them. They just haven’t said it yet.

Hold on, I need to adjust my tin foil hat.


No they aren’t. How about backing up your assertion with some examples?

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They have not, in fact, some of their insanity they are backing up on because the are beginning to see their error. However, the bunch here is so insane they will go for full blown socialism.

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So nobody actually said any the things you try to assign to them? Didn’t think so

Socialism is just that. If you are for socialism, that is what it entails.

They are backing up on the things they’ve never said :rofl:

What American Republican think Socialism is and what Socialism really is are not the same thing.


I’m not trying to back peddle. A vote for the democratic party is a vote for just that exactly.

You can keep repeating it all you want, but it doesn’t make it true. You’ve provided no evidence of such.

Which of the Democratic front runners has called for the abolition of private property?

Yeah, well it has a TRACK RECORD, & it defines itself. Marx & Engles espoused socialism & it is still the basic mindset.

And none of the Democratic contenders are for socialism. Even Bernie has qualifiers that disqualifies him from being what you consider a socialist

All of them.
Have you not seen them on TV blinking in Morse Code?

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Then show us this TRACK RECORD that proves the Democratic party wants what you outlined in the OP.

Does anyone really own property?

Stop paying taxes on it an see what happens…


The lack of evidence is all the proof needed

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