Do you genuinely believe that Trump is a good leader to have in a time of crisis?

Ah but the tweets live on for future reference.

It isn’t just being a bad leader, it is using government resources to bolster his campaign for President.

He is using the Treasury Department to get his name on a check that exists because of Congress to make it look like he did all of the work.

That is falling back on the only thing that he knows.

Other people do the work and put up the money and he comes along and slaps his name on it.


But Trump and his worshippers ignore those. When reporters even mention he tweeted this or that, he yells at them. He hates that reporters bring him to task on his tweets.

I bet he wishes those folks in attendance at his pressers would be all of his ass-kissing Congressmorons, like Drunk-o Gaetz, Idiot Nunes, and Lindsay Graham, as well as Fox News and OAN. That’s it.

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The question is why didn’t B Obama learn how to handle Covid 1 through Covid 18?


Most likely because he wanted to use the pandemic against Trump. If Obama had done his JOB none of this would have happened. Trump was handed a BROKEN health care system that was INCAPABLE of handling a pandemic like Covid-19. Obama knew this was coming. It’s not like Covid-19 popped out of thin air. It’s the 19th Covid! Nobody even talks about Covid-1. I wonder why.


Just curious, but what’s the deal with Tiffany?

He doesn’t take responsibility for anything that has had a negative impact, but will take full credit for the few good things that he more than likely was indirectly involved in. However, I share your sentiment his supporters our not holding accountable and pretty much place their standards under the basement.

She didn’t grow up with him- Marla Maples took her to California when they divorced.

Ah. Interesting, but she doesn’t seem interested in getting on the Trump gravy train, either.

Well showing a campaign ad during the COVID briefing and then having a crazed ninety minute televised meltdown certainly shows what a great leader he is.


Poll results as of today:
128 votes

69% No
31% Yes

Darn libs ruin everything!


Covid 1-18 Hell this could go back to Bill Clinton. Maybe he dropped the ball.

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Its his framework, its how he operates.

He will never change.

So about 88 people out of 128 voted yes. I find that interesting because it makes me wonder how many so-called Trump supporters are actually frontin supporting the president in front of the masses, but anonymously know this dude is a jackass. I also wonder how different the numbers would be if it wasn’t anonymous. I’m guess folks scared to be exiled from the cool kids table if the go against Trump. LOL!


*** Once again in my Erik Killmonger voice to Trump supporters ***
Is this your king…huh? Is this your king?

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Agree- maybe she is a nice person.

Let us not even get into the nonsense of using Government resources to create and disseminate a blatant campaign ad.

This wasn’t even a grey area… this was pretty bad.

Let’s be real, all of it is pretty bad, that was maybe the single most blatant and public Hatch Act violation in the like century long history of the law.


Ivanka shut down her businesses in 2017. Come join us in 2020.