Do you believe in the miracles in the Bible?

The strong nuclear force. That’s what modern science calls something they can’t explain. It should be called “Almighty God.” THAT explains it…

God is not physical so…

How would you detect God’s fingerprints?

Ugh. Taco Bell is the worst “Mexican food” ever.

How would you, personally, identify another person’s fingerprints? Wouldn’t you either have to take a few classes or call in an expert? Wouldn’t you need to understand where the best set of fingerprints might be so that you look in the correct place?

The “almighty god” doesnt explain anything. It’s simply a definition constructed to answer the question. It’s like saying the answer to what is 2 + 2 is the “sum of 2 + 2”. It doesn’t solve anything

I thought God is subjective and not objective. Why do you need forensic experts? If it is subjective, how do you confirm that say, the Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist isnt experiencing the true God(s)? Have you ever hired an expert Hindu, Meri?

Ok. You’re my expert. How do you do it?

With Taco Bell, it’s not about what goes in, but what comes out. lol

Define physical?

Dark Matter and Dark Energy are called “dark” because it means, “We don’t have a clue”.

The Strong Nuclear Force is what “science” calls one of the Four Fundamental Forces (Strong/Weak nuclear, Electromagnetic, Gravity).

“Almighty” would insinuate all of those plus more.

Taco Bell is sorta like Gremlins. Best consumed before midnight.

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Yes. All of them. Faith.


If you believe God created the Universe it’s a small feat for Him to do a miracle.

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Speaking of miracles - to answer the age-old question, " ■■■■■■■ magnets, how do they work?" - the answer is light.

Obviously. It would be nice if we had evidence that God created the universe other than a complexity argument.

Yes…I do.

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From a philosophical aspect, if anything is possible in this world, then Miracles would
be as well.

Why is existence a miracle?

Get ready for divine fallacy.

Then it’s also possible the universe just exists on it’s own without an extra creator