Do not investigate my son!

Shokin was not actively investigating Burisma.

Seriously… Groundhog Day.


Boots is using Trumpian alternative facts to interpret it in his not quite uniquely “obvious” way.

In other words his conclusion is based on Right Wing conspiracy lies.

I don’t know how many times this must be repeated for Trumpists to catch on. But I guess you are fighting against a 24/7 drumbeat on talk radio and FoxNews about how Shokin was investigating.

I will repeat this one last time.

Prosecutor was investigating Burisma. No. Shokin closed the investigation in 2012, but kept it under the “dormant investigation” classification to use for leverage or bribes in the future. As he did with every investigation because he wouldn’t prosecute anyone, he just took bribes and made the files dormant.

Biden said fire the Prosecutor. Yes. This was in 2016, 4 years after the Burisma file went dormant. It was at the behest of the White House, the State Department and the international financial community, who were hesitant to offer loan guarantees until the systemic corruption in the PG office was addressed. The Prosecutor General in Ukraine is considered more powerful that their court systems and it was routinely corrupt, favoring Ukrainian and Russian Oligarchs.

Biden told Ukraine not to investigate his son. No. Burisma reorganized after their investigation in 2012, and in 2014 they created a new Board of Directors that were not associated with Ukraine to offer oversight and implement anti corruption measures. The former President of Poland (who headed this board) offered Hunter Biden a position on the board. But Burisma had been dormant for 4 years at the point that Biden wanted Shokin gone, if anything once Shokin was dismissed Burisma would have had a greater chance of being investigated. But all crimes potentially committed took place years before Hunter took a seat on the board.

I know you are just going to ignore this, but I felt I needed to post this one last time.


Quoted again for truth and accuracy.

You take such great pleasure in saying people in Ukraine were corrupt and yet you seek no information on why Biden was hired as if democrats cannot be corrupt.

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something seems amiss with the timeline

In not one part of my reply did I say that Democrats cannot be corrupt, they most certainly CAN be corrupt. That is not what is at issue here.

You have to look at the larger picture here.

Here we have a country that has been under the thumb of Russian Oligarchs and Putin. Their former President absconded to Russia with billions of stolen dollars. Most of the major industries are run by Russian backed Oligarchs who are systemically fleecing the citizens. Russia annexes a major portion of the country (Crimea) which compromises their ability to ship goods in and out of the country and then invades their eastern border. Then the Maidan revolution happens in 2014 and the people take their country back. Only problem is, they need money because these guys stole it all. This is where Biden wanted to make sure that the thieves were still not running things, Shokin was a stooge for these guys and Dmytro Firtash was skimming money off of every gas contract in the country.

For two years the Trump administration provided needed military aid and never, not once, questioned anything about corruption. Ukraine had met all anti-corruption benchmarks according to the DoD, things were going smooth. Biden announces his candidacy in Dec 2018 and within a month the Trump crew is starting to research dirt on him. Suddenly, corruption is a concern but only in relation to Biden’s son. Not the Oligarchs still in power, not on the former President hiding in Russia with his stolen billions, not in another Oligarch, Dmytro Firtash, hiding in Vienna to fight extradition to the US, where he is sought for bribery and racketeering charges.

Dmytro Firtash, look that name up. This is a corrupt man. If Trump wanted to root out corruption start here. Only problem? Manafort worked for him before joining the Trump campaign. Giuliani and Lev Parnas meet with him regularly and a lawyer couple, Toensing and diGenova, are his legal representatives. They are also Fox News contributors. Most of the Biden dirt gets generated through Firtash.

So, if corruption is really a concern of Trump, why not start with guys stealing billions instead of some guy working as a Board member making 50k a month? Granted, it’s sleazy to bank off your old man’s name, but it’s not the first time that has ever been done. Why not Firtash? Why not Yanukovych who stole billions? Why not all the Oligarchs entrenched with the Russian mob?

Because Biden is doing well head to head with Trump. That’s it. Trump only cared once Biden entered the race, because he knew if he went after his kid that could hurt him.

Those are facts. Your opinion or my opinion may vary. But none of what I just posted is opinion.


John Solomon with all his memos and notes released to be thoroughly examined

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Another good one!

diGenova and Toensing also represent Solomon. Small world.

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Birds of a feather and all of that…

Yep, one of diGenova’s oldest friends is William Barr, by the way. They go back 30 years.

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Huh…I did not know that one. Makes sense though.

Yeah it’s nuts. Lanny Davis (a Clinton Defense attorney) also worked for Firtash but also worked for Michael Cohen. When Cohen turned on Trump, Firtash dumped him.

Crazy stuff.

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IIRC pro-Trump Republicans based Lanny Davis pretty hard for agreeing to represent Firtash.

Yep. The whole thing is insane. Guess who Toensing and diGenova hired to be an interpreter for Firtash?


Where was Parnas flying to, with a one way ticket, when he was arrested at the airport?

Vienna. Which is where Guiliani was heading to the day after Parnas was arrested.

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The interconnections between politicians, attorneys, and shady dealings are quite robust in today’s politics. I think it is a damning commentary on the state of affairs for the governing class as a whole.

So why dangle the loan and have Biden be the bad cop?

Would be more effective to not process the funding without negotiating the Shokin misconduct up front and presenting a unified front.


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Um…that’s what they were doing.