Do local public accommodation laws apply to Twitter, Facebook etc.?

All jokes aside, it’s better for democrats to have Alex Jones on a bullhorn. No one person better represents the extreme right than that guy.

I guarantee that a ton of past and present posters agree with a ton of stuff he’s said over the years.

I disagree. I care more about the victims he attacks and his minions target than any political gain. I can’t imagine losing my child to gun violence and then this ■■■■■■■ con artist gets his legion of ■■■■■■■■ to start attacking me, calling me a crisis actor and threatening to kill me.

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Take a look at Breibarts face book, read the vicious nasty comments posted and then telll me that FB is discriminating against conservatives.

I hear the mantra of legislating social media more and more from voices that only a few short years ago told us that the best regulator Is the marketplace. Hannity regulalry has guests that tell us FB is the new town square and legisilation is needed.

Basically cons are now wanting their own version of the fairness doctrine which I think is mind boggling.


I’m in! Class Action baby!!

:rofl: Amazing.

I’m not at all confused about what you said. You are repeating your original incorrect assertion while trying to backpedal.

Go try to come up with an original thought on a topic.

Your link doesn’t take me to a page that says that. It just takes me to an “enforcing our standards” page.

More importantly is what specifically did he post that glorifies violence and dehumanizes minorities over and above what liberal pages say about people they disagree with.

My guess is that Jones’s Page is rather tame compared to the venom I’ve seen on liberal pages.

Unoriginal deflection noted.

Yes. I bet you see that a lot.

You’re losing your mojo.

He said those families faked the murder of their children in Sandy Hook.

Why don’t Conservatives start their own Twitter, Facebook, etc isn’t not that hard.


So the man is an abject moron. That doesn’t prove what they are saying they banned him for.

They can ban him for any reason they wish, you agree to that when you make your account read the TOS.

Their platform, their rules. Same as here.


Yes, a big issue about the community standards is whether they are applied uniformly. If liberal pages are treated differently from conservatives, then that is evidence of discrimination based on political affiliation.

A related question that may be even more important is whether the community standards are uniform based on both the ethnic and/or religious background of the poster and the ethnic or religious background of the targets of alleged hate speech.

For example if comments about Muslims are treated with much greater scrutiny than those about Christians or Jews, does that violate public accommodation laws that prohibit discrimination based on religion? Likewise, if allegedly racist comments against white people are treated differently than similar comments about other racial or ethnic groups then is it discrimination based on race?

The same goes for the poster. If the response to alleged hate speech depends on the perceived race, religion, or national origin of the person posting, does that constitute discrimination? Since discrimination based on race, religion, or national origin are covered under virtually all state and federal laws, it would make it much easier to sue or prosecute possible violations than simply discrimination based on political affiliation.

So Facebook could ban all minorities or people of different religions from having accounts as well then.

The government should take over facebook to enforce equality.