DNC beats RNC in ratings

I have already seen more Biden signs than I did Hillary signs in 2016!


Well I’ll be a butt-monkey’s bare-assed uncle :sunglasses:


I don’t think this means anything, except it’s going to pour salt in Trump’s knickers and that’s pretty awesome.

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What nonsense

I’m sure that nothing was more fun for trump supporters to sit and stand in close proximity in Washington D.C. heat and humidity for trump’s tremendous speech to go on and on and on and on.


Apparently it’s a valid indicator of the vote…if so, in my trump heavy town there should be about 100 out of 20,000 voting for trump.

Overwhelming victory. Trump delivered an excellent pro-America speech last night in the face of the boo-America dems. It’s not even close. 4 more years. #KAG


It was a great speech. He didn’t waste one minute.


More overwhelming than in 2016 ?

I personally prefer MAGAA



What the ■■■■ are ratings anymore anyway.

The means by which Trump seeks validation. This has to sting.

It’s actually not a bad point since so many people stream stuff, how accurate can you measure ratings ?

6 times more streaming on C-Span for the RNC. :man_shrugging:

Read the tealeaves.

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Trump’s not the most tech-saavy individual on the planet. Hopefully someone will explain it to him.

That’s the only way they can watch in Russia.


must be nice not to have to take care of a family and get up in the morning and instead watch Elaine

Ah, so then it is really -

Democratic / Biden - 17.5
Republican / Trump - 14.5

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