Divisive Divisions - Intersectionality and Litmus Tests

I’m joshing in the sense that I think it’s impossible in reality, yes.

Yes, for sure.

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I appreciate you participating. Very balanced.

Thank you.

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All afternoon the second-biggest headline on CNN’s website has been: “Ted Cruz calls Democratic senator an ‘ass’ following Senate floor mask dispute.”

This is important news we all need to know!

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Philosophically speaking (and this includes people who voted for JFK) I would say there’s a general disdain for TODAY’S Democratic party from those whom I’m close with. We all see and hear Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Obama, Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Maisy Hirono, etc., etc. We see the overcrowded inner cities with the garbage on the streets, graffiti on the walls, the drugs, crime and lousy inner city schools. We see towns on fire, vandalissm, businesses being burned down, cops and innocent people being assaulted and killed. In these conversations there’s a general consensus that much of the cause of this is decades of Democrat policies and leadership. These are also not people who have any great love for Donald Trump either.

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It’s because as much as a jackass Trump is many people see Today’s Democrat party as substantially more dangerous.

Maybe I’m an outlier, though I doubt it, but the people in my life range literally from one end of the political spectrum to the other.

My brother was a Jesse Jackson delegate to the state Democratic convention some years back. We don’t talk a lot about politics…ever.

For the Libertarian in me the thought of government getting that much more power is kind of scary. Personally, I would favor universal coverage for serious conditions like cancer, and maybe even lowering the age for Medicare to 60. One of the problems with the Democrats position on Medicare for all is nobody can give the cost of Medicare for all who can physically get here?

The Squad is for open borders and defunding the police, not to mention racist views to people in “fly over” country, that’s not radical?

Why is that less scary?

Because, well “absolute power” and all that. There is a place for private health insurance. Furthermore there is a role for the free market in healthcare, which is under utilized. That’s part of the reason costs are out of control. In my view the best system would NOT be one in which our government has absolute power over healthcare.

A peak at the hierarchy. Inclusive?

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The hierarchy of what? HOP?

I’m a Californian musician. Many of my musician friends could be considered liberals. I don’t agree with their politics but they are good people.

Intersectionality. Hence this thread.

Again, I don’t really know what you’re trying to say.

The Pride parade in New York is run by an organization called “Heritage of Pride”.

They’re the ones who don’t want the cops to take part - although I don’t even know what Pride is going to be, since the parade is canceled.

You would if you read the material I gave you. But since you can’t be bothered, why should I.

Because you want me to read theory and academics.

Which I have no interest in. On the other hand, I am endlessly interested in the real world - which is why I have asked you many times to explain your theory in the context of the real world.

Which you have refused to do.

You’re lazy.

Sure, whatever.

I didn’t like homework when I was in school, I have no interest in homework assigned by random people on the internet.

Why should I give your theory any credence if you can’t explain how it matters in the real world?