Did You Know Al Sharpton Saved America?

They knew who would be likely taking the gavel.

They would have voted otherwise if that was a problem

Probably with his work in the Tawana Brawley fraud. We all remember Sharpton for that.

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to the idiot left at large now, this is probably criteria for saving America

Claiming Sharpton saved America ought to get Pelosi rode out of DC on a rail.

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Pelosi made it pretty clear why she thinks the way she does. Are you unclear as to her explanation, or asking if/why anyone agrees with her?

i dont know anything about tawana brawley

but i dont keep up with the news well

Al Sharpton, a talking squirrel sidekick named Nutzy McSqueaker and a car that can transform into any object they need at the time…now THAT is an America saving hero I would get up early on Saturday mornings to watch.


Why was I not informed sooner of this rodent sidekick? I presume he is a pro nut nut?

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Well first off Nutzy is a she. And nuts give her the power to lift oppressed people out of their situation with the rainbows she ■■■■■ from her fuzzy little squirrel butt.

So no one can explain how Sharpton saved America?

As said by the (probably) next illustrious speaker of the house.

Queen of the “blue wave” biggest house takeover since year 0 of your Watergate calendar.

We just all take Nancy’s word, huh

Yes TM, you have to “take her word” on her own opinion.

No, Cynic, no thinking man (or woman) “takes one’s word” on such claims.


It’s her opinion, it has nothing to do with agreeing with her.

No one can challenge her on her stupid opinions?

I think that the flaw in the premise here is that someone thinks that “liberals” have a need to defend every stupid thing said by another “liberal”

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So you understand her opinion, you just think it’s stupid and are asking someone to agree with her or defend her?

Every thinking person knows that libs think as a collective hive mind.