Did the CIA hack the DNC server in a false-flag operation?

A forensic image is unaltered from the original.

Images don’t just sit out there alone. They run on a host.

Where do you connect the ethernet cable to a virtual machine?

Can you explain why getting the original hardware would be necessary?

Where does the vm get its connection to the network?

The host doesn’t have to be Windows or Linux. It could literally just be sitting on a Hypervisor.

Are you suggesting that hypervisor is void of software?

We know Guccifer is Russia.

OP has to ignore that core fact. Once you do that, we’ve left reality and entered fan fiction .

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They cannot call it a forensic image if it is altered from the original.

So, you’re saying they got an image of the host as well?

Protecting Russia has become a strange rallying point for the Trump camp.

No they were not. What leftist master told you that lie? All the FBI got was a report from… you guessed it, crowdstrike, who was hired by the DNC to “investigate” the hack.

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I’m taking the word of many many experts that a forensic image is unaltered from the original.

Literally none of this is true. But that won’t stop the conspiracy theorist. And if we spend the time to prove my statement, that none of this is true, it own’t matter to the conspiracy theorist, because they will have fabricated more conspiracies because well, it’s their hobby. Avoiding reality is the point.

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So, you’re just repeating things you’ve heard. You do understand that VMs require a host, right?

Images of them. Forensic images.

and crowdstrike said it was unaltered so obviously it was unaltered… right?

I want to believe that locally the goal isn’t so much that as it is boredom and/or ignorance.

Like here we are with an OP thats “just asking questions” that were answered a year ago.

This is why Alex Jones makes good money, the man can move on to the next thing when his gimmicks get blown up.

Yes I do understand that. I also understand that there are people with more expertise than most if not all the posters here who say a forensic image is unaltered from the original. They have been accepted as forensic by the FBI. That trumps your assertions that it could be, maybe somehow someway through techniques or conditions they are perfectly aware of, be altered.

Do you know what a bare metal hypervisor is? They don’t sit on top an OS. It’s software that sits on top of the hardware. Unbelievably secure, with only one known exploit, that has been patched, and has yet to be seen in the wild.

false again, they got no forensic images, they got a report from crowdstrike describing the forensic images. The report contained images of the images. The FBI did not, has not and likely couldn’t anymore if they wanted to examine any forensic image. All of that was done by crowdstrike.