Did Hillary Sell Access to "Foreign Actors"

So, we were right. Dems were fooled as usual…

WHERE IS JEFF SESSIONS, the world wonders!!!

No it does not. Read a few post up the line and it is spelled out. Negligence alone, intent be damned, will get a conviction.

I think he’s in his office, working.

Now, why hasn’t he, the Trump appointed AG, prosecuted Hillary?

Didn’t Trump hire only the best people?

Bingo. Destruction of evidence provides intent.

I have no doubt you are immensely more qualified to weigh in compared to the several attorneys that assessed all of the evidence in light of all legal precedent and determined there was no violation of the law.

Gross negligence.

Do you know how gross negligence is defined? The FBI and DoJ do.

From my understanding of timelines she ordered the server wiped months before the request for that information came to her. And, from what I recall, she did preserve all information she thought was germane to her job as SoS and submitted it beforehand.

From what I recall, she only deleted personal emails, at least that is what she said in her testimony to congress.

I think the IG report sort of confirms that.

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I know Trump said, AFTER the election, that he did not want to go after Hillery, Sessions could be operating under that instruction. I, on the other hand, believe they should go after her, charge her, and prosecute vigorously. This is the second a Clinton was given a pass. First time Bill was given a pass by Bush. This time Hillery was given a pass by Trump.

There are quite a few people sitting in prison who know what gross negligence in handling classified information means.

Name one please. Let’s see what their case tells us and how it compares.

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Well, how do you know that ONLY personal, crap, e-mails were deleted? Well, we know. E-mails she deleted also included e-mails containing classified information. Those were found/recovered through other means. Also, NO e-mails on that server were supposed to be deleted. She used it for Government purposes so everything on it was government property.

IOW, you got conned into believing ■■■■ Trump said on the campaign trail.

“Lock Her Up”
“Lock Her Up
“Lock Her Up”

Has a nice ring to it, no?

AFTER, AFTER, AFTER! Geez guy, can’t you even read.

You got conned by the ■■■■ Trump said on the campaign trail.

Just admit it - you’ll feel better

And here is what the Nothing-:hamburger: has produced to date:

It was Bruce Lee. He is the only foreign actor I can think of.

If only the federal prosecutors had your expertise.

LOL that made me laugh.

Good job.

A deep state attempted to overthrow an election? What are you referring to, specifically?