Did hillary clinton Accept An award Named After a racist Black Baby Killing Enthusiast?

The New York branch of PP is incorrect in calling her racist.

So far, ya’ll have been able to show nothing, other than she believed in eugenics. Which was already known.

Let’s look at her own words… .

The lower down in the scale of human development we go the less sexual control we find. It is said that the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets.

According to one writer, the rapist has just enough brain development to raise him above the animal , but like the animal, when in heat knows no law except nature which impels him to procreate whatever the result. Every normal man and woman has the power to control and direct his sexual impulse. Men and women who have it in control and constantly use their brain cells in thinking deeply, are never sensual. (What Every Girl Should Know, “Sexual Impulses Part II,” December 1912. Emphasis added.)




W.E.B DuBois - decidedly not a white guy.

As it is, the mass of Negroes know almost nothing about the birth control movement, and even intelligent colored people have a good many misapprehensions and a good deal of fear at openly learning about it. Like most people with middleclass standards of morality, they think that birth control is inherently immoral.

People needed educated that birth control wouldn’t send them to hell.

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Hillary who?

Omg what? :rofl:

Yes, as a black guy, I am saying Black people were too stupid to know that having babies is preventable… :rofl::roll_eyes::rofl:

It couldn’t be that teaching someone something new does mean they are stupid. If that was the case, every person who attended college is also “too stupid” because they need a white liberal to teach them a subject.


About the only Americans that were ever suffering from that fear were Catholics very few of which were black.

Now according to the theories I’ve been fed by lefties here for years it’s ok for blacks to criticize blacks but for a white person to do the same is entirely racist.

I guess that only depends on who the white person is insulting them now.

I’ll say this, having no consistent principles makes it easy to support anything.

You don’t need to go to college to learn that pregnancy is preventable.

Yup, that’s problematic. She seemed to believe in the anthropological claims of the time.

She also had this to say.


“What hangs over the South is that the Negro has been in servitude. The white southerner is slow to forget this. His attitude is the archaic in this age. Supremacist thinking belongs in the museum.

“One thing that is most helpful is to have people working together. When you have Negroes working with whites you have the breakdown of barriers, the beginning of progress. Negro groups must take the initiative, and not wait around for integration to come to them. They must get it themselves. The struggle for it will bring it.”

“A sickly race is a weak race. As long as Negro mothers die in childbirth at two and one-half times the rate of white mothers, as long as Negro babies are dying at twice the rate of white babies, colored homes will be unhappy.
“Greater understanding and practice of planned parenthood, through the use of contraceptive methods prescribed by doctors and clinics, will mean that there will be more strong and healthy children and fewer defective and handicapped babies unable to find a useful or happy place in life.
“Planned parenthood does not mean using contraceptives not to have babies. It means using medically prescribed methods so that each member of the family will come into life in good health and wanted by its parents.

“The big answer, as I see it, is the education of the white man. The white man is the problem. It is the same as with the Nazis. We must change the white attitudes. That is where it lies.”

Calling the “white man” the problem, and saying white supremacist thinking is archaic. Sure sounds like someone who believes in white superiority. lol

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In her book, “Woman and the New Race”, she writes of creating a new better race from the population in the US. As she surveys the “raw material”, she peppers her book with reference to “pure native white” and “unmixed native white” as her chosen genetic material. And by "native’ she is not referring to the people we call Indians. She only mentions “negros” in passing as she but is full of hope in the “pure white” population.
If you were correct, there would be no mention of race as she describes her search for her “greater American race”.

You clearly are ignoring her own words.

Instead due to her 'good works" black babies die via abortion at staggering rates compared to whites.

I’m not ignoring anything, she was racist to the core and a Darwinian Eugenicist.

I wouldn’t say that. Contraceptives were illegal for a good portion of the time, as well as attitudes of the time being anti-contraceptive. It wasn’t really that they didn’t know how to prevent pregnancies, but more of changing attitudes.

Meh. I’m not going to defend her eugenicist views.

Yet you have been all along until you were buried with the quotes.

By choice

I have the book open right now. If @Call_me_Ishmael wants to go over specific passages, I can give my thoughts on them.

She believed in eugenics, and believed in strong healthy races. She wanted a strong and healthy black population. She wasn’t racist in that she believed blacks to be inferior, or that whites were better. She in fact believed that white supremacy was a problem, an archaic thinking. She in fact believed that whites were the “problem”, that blacks should fight for integration. Do those thoughts sound like a racist?

She set up clinics staffed by blacks. She was praised by MLK. That’s better credentials than you or I.

Sanger was opposed to abortion. You must like that.

Do you have Sanger quotes supporting abortion?

This is a false and deceptive post.

The words I bolded are in her book, “the pivot of civilization” . But she is quoting a man, Dr Austin Freeman, as he opines on the detrimental effect of machinery upon modern man. She attributes those words to him. She puts quotes around those words. And your words “she writes” between the bolded sections are actually “he writes” in her book, as she is referring to Dr Freeman.

And you not only post this deception but then claim that we have a serious lack of comprehension.

Not my words. I was quoting directly from the site WildRose posted. I should have double checked his source for accuracy.

My bad.

Give me the list of dead babies who were given a “choice”.