Did democrats lie to take back the house?

This thread is so funny given the number of republicans who ran keeping preexisting conditions in the ACA as if they had been for it all along.

Many Dems lied to get elected… They want open borders, but said they were for border compromise with Trump.

Simple question: how many democrats ran on tax payers paying for a wall? How many of those are now against doing so once they won?

Sure. But I get a bit of satisfaction knowing that I am operating in objective reality. Fantasy is something for children to enjoy, or a momentary escape during a movie, as an adult. Living fantasy daily as an adult, is something else entirely.

Fake News Alert! Fake News Alert! Fake News Alert!

Fascinating. Lol

Fat donald’s gov’t shutdown is a ■■■■■■■ joke? Seriously?

His supporterd sure bought it hook line and sinker. You really shouldn’t insult the intelligence of Trump supporters like that. It’s not nice.

He did say they’d write a check…they’d be economically bullied into it.

He even listed the amount.

It was in his campaign speeches and on his website.

I know the memory hole works for you but the rest of us can remember things that happened beyond five minutes ago.

Trump is Cool…

Repeating a lie doesn’t make it more true.

Mueller is coolest

So is serial adultery.

True dat!

Got some evidence of that? The premise of your thread rests upon it but I don’t believe it’s accurate. Maybe one or two but not more than that.

He’ll keep making up ■■■■ like that as long as you keep talking to him, it’s like talking to someone who thinks Elvis is still alive.

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What’s funny is that I believe Nancy Pelosi would have caved to Trump and built the wall in exchange for the DACA recipients similar to last March’s deal, but President Trump has really poisoned the well on that with his temper tantrum shutting down the government like this.

Don’t I know it, oy.

Reality thrown out the window again…


The democrats shouldn’t even be a factor in the wall. Trump said Mexico was paying for that. Ask Mexico where the damn check is.


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It’s in the mail, of course.

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