Devin nunes,iowa and illegal immigrants

So it’s ok for illegals to be here if you really need them. Got it.

But, but, the wall that Mexico is going to pay for!! Freaking hypocrites.

Let me make my position perfectly clear…I don’t care if your name is Nunes or Jerry Brown…if you do not enforce the laws of our country…you should be removed from office. If you break our immigration laws, you should be prosecuted by the same laws you’re breaking.

Then let’s send ICE to go and destroy the dairy industry… I mean they can sell to Canada now… they will be fine.

The laws were written decades ago and in part…in exchange for the legalization of millions and millions of illegals. Our politicians on both sides of the aisle lied and the laws were not enforced. Now…here “we” are decades later and we have an alternative economy as a direct result, that to some degree, now relies on illegal immigrant labor. It was wrong decades ago and it’s wrong today. Enforce the laws…PERIOD but…set a date out in the future that allows the alternative economy that developed as a result, to correct itself.

Fat donald doesn’t care.

From the article, it appears that the dairy industry in Iowa relies heavily on illegal immigration labor.

Your solution would mean burning the dairy industry to ground and then rebuild it. OR, we could update those laws that were “written decades ago” in order to allow these industries to keep functioning. I agree years of not enforcing laws has put us in a bad place, but your suggesting destroying everything in order to correct this wrong.

Are work visas no longer available?

According to fat donald, only for the best and the brightest.

Sure. And farmers should be employing people who utilize them. Doesn’t change the fact that the dairy industry would be destroyed if ICE raided them.

Enforce the laws…PERIOD and stop making excuses for not enforcing them.

Fair enough. Be prepared for the fall out. Lives will be destroyed. The economy will suffer.

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Great. Steve King should bring ICE into his own district for a crackdown after reading this article.

I would love to see that.

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Go door to door in Kings district. Arrest every farmer hiring illegals

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How is it not in their interest to vote Republican in regard to keeping their cheap illegal labor? What happens to that labor supply if they are granted amnesty and citizenship?

Ok then.


Yeah that was a strange one

You might want to reframe your argument


Conservatives always did enjoy exploiting their workforce.

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Why? If your interests is in keeping a cheap illegal workforce, the last thing you want is for them all to become legal. They aren’t going to keep picking lettuce for peanuts if they can legally work anywhere else.