Devin nunes,iowa and illegal immigrants

…and that’s exactly why I want a southern border wall.

…which a homemade drone can hop.

Great…are there people on board?

yes. youtube it.

How in the world would a wall address the issues raised in the article?

If the labor market is so tight in Northwest iowa, how come they aren’t raising wages to better attract potential enplyees? If the wages are good enough, people will travel or even move into the region for a good job.

Why would they? As things stand there are several sorts of business that can’t be run without illegals. If your competitors are free to use them and you don’t, you will be driven out of business on price.

Because, if you report to the authorities that your competitors are using illegal labor, nothing happens, at least under Obama, remember that whole priorities thing he had going? And if Trump tries to do anything, all the liberals rend their clothes and weep over separating the poor families.

Stop the bleeding and treat the wound. They are two sides of the same coin.

We’re talking Midwestern farmers…
And I suppose you know every east coast farmer…
And all east coast farmers will tell conan the truth about their migrant workers …:roll_eyes:

Identity politics…

So your either for illegals or you know nothing proposed as a deterrent won’t work…
Saying “build a wall and let Mexico pay” for is lip service…

Stop making excuses for these idiots, they’re breaking the law and Obama is not the president.


That’s all they know how to do…be hypocritical when faced with the same situation…

Maybe Nunes took the idea of “sanctuary” with him from Libafornia and started the first…sanctuary farm?

Makes him a hypocrite then…

This sort of hypocrisy has been going on for a long time, apparently.

One of my uber-conservative dad’s uber conservative friends and I were discussing immigration on a post my dad made. The guy was whining incessantly about illegal immigration, but eventually admitted that he hired illegals back in the 80s when he owned a construction company. My uber conservative uncle, who owns a large farm in rural America used to hire immigrants whose immigration status he was never quite clear on.


Are you saying that the reason Trump doesn’t destroy the dairy industry in Iowa is because he’s scared of liberals? What an impotent little man.


You obviously didn’t read the article.

In it there is described the 2011 ICE raid of a farmer who used illegal labor… that guy was fined $250,000, three months in federal prisons and three years probabtion.

That is why the farmers in the area have formed a NATO like alliance where a raid on one farm is treated as a raid on all of them.

It shows the utter hypocrisy of a section of the country that will vote for people like Steve King and Donald Trump who work in direct opposition to their interests because of identity politics.


Key word… identity politics