Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and Kushner accounts

Um, I hate to tell you this, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. If there is probable cause that a crime was committed, someone gets arrested. There is no requirement for “probable cause” in order to initiate an investigation.

What evidence of money laundering exists?

Probable cause is the standard for a search warrant.

It isn’t just “some anonymous lady”…it’s people who analyze the data looking for suspicious cash transaction patterns.

It’s an institution that has been under fire for allowing this very type of activity, so even though the officials at the bank said “Don’t investigate”, said officials do not have a pattern of being trustworthy.

It’s that in the past decade or so, Trump has gone from being “The King of Debt” to being a mostly cash transaction business person, which anyone who knows anything about “high finance” knows is NOT a good sign.

It’s a guy who, along with his family, has a history of shady dealing.

There is more than enough smoke here to just lightly dismiss it as “some anonymous lady saying something”.

And I warned you precisely of this before the election, only to be told “Nah …we’ve had rich presidents before”.

Not like this you haven’t.


She’s a disgruntled employee who took her story to a friendly press outfit, maybe she should try taking it to a New York DA instead?


You are bound and determined to deflect.

This is how ■■■■ like this gets uncovered…not by someone walking into a DA’s office.

That’s like saying instead of going to Woodward and Bernstein, Deep Throat should have gone to the cops.

But not to start an investigation.

Lol, you cite one example out of how many cases and say that’s how it’s done? Please.

And you were cheering him on. Down goes jeb! Down goes rubio. Down goes cruz.

trump vs hillary! YEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

What happened?

The New York City con man conned enough people in 3 States to pull out a victory.

Even Gomer can go back and read and figure that one out.

hillary’s loss gave you a frowny face. Still haven’t recovered.

Sore losers are funny.

I’m sorry you still haven’t figured the con man out. There’s millions more like you so you shouldn’t feel too bad. Hell, it took the banks years to figure him out.

I’m just glad that everyone who mattered figured out hillary when it mattered most. Lucky for U.S.

Yeah really lucky. We elected a con man.

But he did preach the 2 things that are critical to republicans. That will make him almost equal to Jesus.


I wish someone would blow this whole thing wide open…

Drain the swamp my ass


It’s just some anonymous lady who should have taken it to the DA…

How dare she whistle blow! Doesnt she know trump has been chosen from on high and this can do no wrong…

Now had trump been black or a woman…fair game

Its easy to suspect anybody of doing anything.

Donald Trump is a good one to trust. He hasn’t done anything in his life that warrants suspicion.