Desperation In the Fox Holes?

Walking like he talk it.


Let us know how it turns out.


It’s starting to look grim for fat donald, isn’t it?

Everyone? Really?

Good luck with your rumor’s and hearsay from the whistle blower, don’t let the Barr investigation distract you.:rofl::popcorn:

Do you have an announcement date yet?

Not sure I would characterize the Nuremberg trials as entertaining.

Fair and balanced. Fox is willing to publish truth whoever speaks it. On the other hand, Dems want to gag “sources close to the president” who have names and affidavits and memos that reveal a different narrative from Dem fan fiction.

Crazy Rudy waving his phone around on T.V… :rofl:

That is laughable. One of Fox News’s favourite quote was “some people have said”. One doesn’t need to comment on the “fair and balanced” joke.

And don’t forget “is it true”. :rofl:

These no leak investigations are freaking the Dems out for sure.

When will they be completed?

Horowitz report for fisa abuse is being reviewed, the rest are not being leaked.

As evidenced by the tweets invoking Civil War, announcing a coup and warning all their supporters that their rights are about to be taken away. Clear signs of a freak out.

Oh wait, that would be the President.

Your excuse for Pelosi not having a vote on impeachment in the house is what? She’s a Dictator or a Criminal?

A vote for impeachment will be held once the Article of Impeachment are drafted by the Judicary Committee, approved out of committee and submitted the the House for action.

I Look forward to seeing who exposes them selves in the vote!

I expect anyone exposing themselves will be blocked out on CSPAN… look for James O’Keefe to come up with unedited footage.

Jame’s rocks!