Deputy, pastor calls for LGBTQ executions in sermon

Jay Jay >>>" So since you are a follower of Romans 1 we can only presume you support the death penalty for homosexual behavior? You want to be consistent, right? You can’t be picking and choosing what verses in Romans 1 apply and which don’t, right?

More likely you were too embarrassed by the medieval thinking of that last verse. A man of consistency might apply that embarrassment to the rest of Romans 1 as well.

Me >>> The woman caught in adultery was worthy/deserving of death, but Jesus let her go free with the command “Go and stop sinning.”

So, your claim that considering someone worthy of death means that we should want them dead is clearly wrong-headed.

Are you having reading comprehension problems? If you get confused reading my posts I can only assume you are more confused about the Bible. Read my post again. I didn’t dodge the condemnation of gays, I s knowledges it and even brought up Leviticus to reinforce your position.

Wow! You didn’t even read my post, did you? Try again.

And you dodged my question. Was it correct to put homosexuals to death before Jesus?

That’s quite a fine distinction. So it was ok to kill homosexuals before Jesus came around?

Romans…isn’t that just a bunch of letters that one guy (Saul/Paul) wrote to some fellow early Christians in Rome?

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Yes, it was OK to execute homosexual practitioners before Jesus came.

Now homosexuals have an easier run, because Christians are commanded to treat them with pity and mercy, and to seek to rescue them from their bondage. So they have nothing to fear from Christians. There is no Christian without sin, so there is no Christian worthy to throw the first stone.

But homosexuals are still worthy of death, as are liars and adulterers and thieves. The wages of sin is death. If enough people lobbied to change the law to have homosexuals executed, the state would be authorised to do so until the law was changed to something else. Just like enough have lobbied to have babies before birth executed, and that law change in some states has authorised citizens in those states to do so.

Homosexuals seem to be very upset about themselves ending up where babies in the womb are now, but not so upset about the babies presently being skewered.

Eventually the law will change to have Christians executed. Swings and roundabouts. That’s why most Christians are against the death penalty for homosexuals, babies and Christians. Homosexuals, in general don’t seem as even-handed as regards executions…

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Legal, illegal? I thought that we had certain freedoms in this country. Now “conservatives” the people who I always believed pushed for small governmental control, and fewer laws, are doing just the opposite. Not sure I get the way things are being talked about here. Up is down and down is up?

This thread confirms my belief that while the majority of people see Gilead as a dystopian nightmare others would welcome it as a utopia.


“But homosexuals are still worthy of death…” well then…says it all, doesn’t it?


Verses 29-31 read like a psychological profile of Donald.

It is a sick and twisted thing, that’s what it is.

Great idea.

When attempting to discern what you’re hearing from those claiming to be speaking God’s word, I apply a litmus test that goes; did it come from love and does it lead to love? If the answer is no, it is NOT OF THE LIGHT.

When Jesus was tested with something along the same lines where “followers” placed an adulteress woman in front of Him and said, The Law demands she be stoned. What Jesus said and did is our example to be applied right now today. “Let those without sin, caste the first stone.”

It is a shame so many people go through life bearing a false guilt of sin. That we aren’t worthy. It’s pathetic.

Are you saying you’re perfect?

Jesus was a chill dude, be kind to everyone, don’t judge anyone only yourself.

I don’t think Jesus cares if your gay or not dude would still kick it with you he hung out with a lot of questionable characters in his time.

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It’s just sad that many go through life feeling terrible about themselves for things that hurt nobody else based on the morality that existed thousands of years ago. There is nothing wrong with being gay. There has never been anything wrong with being gay. But for countless generations so many lives were destroyed based on the morality of 1000 BC that was encoded into law well into the 20th century.

If Jesus was reborn right now you think the top of his “■■■ list” would be two dudes holding hands.

I think he would have more issue with preachers stealing millions of dollars from people saying it will cure their cancer.


I definitely agree with your first sentence. Regarding the second, I’ll let Him be the Judge. I am not qualified.

I can’t speak for anyone else but I harbor no ill feelings for anyone…for being gay. I believe there are both genetic and environmental reasons for this. First…it’s none of my business. Two…I didn’t create them. Three…it’s stated quite clearly in the Bible that I am NOT to judge them or that same judgement will be used to judge me. That said, I do believe we all will be Judged.

I don’t see the word sin in there.