Department Of Government Efficiency (DOGE)


Well now

Progressive left signals some ‘DOGE’ curiosity

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Will be interesting to see how DOGE approaches cuts to DOD spending.

It will indeed. Kill the cow!

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They won’t be able to cut anywhere near 2 trillion. If they don’t cut defense (they won’t) then the next places are social security, Medicare.

I wish them luck

Funny thing is that if you can the GBSD program, that’s 1.5 trillion saved since thats what the CBO is estimating it will cost over its lifetime and those lunatics in the Air Force actually pushed for it. Can’t let the Navy have all the nuclear fun right?

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Cut the GBSD!!!

I dunno why that thing angers me so much but it does.

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Honestly, they should focus more on efficiency and less on spending. I think they’d make more of a noticeable impact that way.

And the former might take care of the latter

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Quite possible.

That’s that tired of dealing with libs face. :grinning:

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Uneductated racist one-tooth homophobic redneck neo-nazis gun-collecting kitten-hating, women-bashing, hate-mongers are more common on twitter.

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Look at the 2nd one.

I like it! Good list.