Denmark's free college has created "eternity students" who never graduate

Yes, colleges should be glorified vo-techs where everyone gets the same three or four degrees and then emerge into a world where the degree’s value has been destroyed because of the sheer number of them.

This is clearly a smart move for a society long term.

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There are some who are upset that no one reads Shakespeare’s “Troilus and Cressida” and instead read a good play by a black person.

I still will. Every company I ever worked for valued them.

Well I come from a city where our most famous local playwright is August Wilson soooo

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I still will.

The purpose of such degrees is to improve knowledge in a variety of disciplines.

Those who spend time gaining work experience & in Career Counseling learning resume writing & setting up mock interviews may go far with them.

I do think it’s wrong to encourage all students to pursue college. Some will go further in life through a vocational level at the high school level, or, in those areas where vocational programs aren’t offered, towards various certification programs upon graduating.

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I don’t like the idea of pigeonholing kids early. It was done to me, they didn’t put me in AP classes because they knew I was poor and probably couldn’t afford to go to college. Despite being top one percent in virtually every standardized test. Missing out on the classes that would have made college easier was bad but not as bad as the boredom I had to endure.

We had mutltiple people speaking at my high school pitching the value of having a degree versus not having one. And that was in the 90s. They also said people with a GED couldn’t find jobs. Which was also a lie since I’ve worked with plenty of them.

The job I have now used to require a degree and no longer does. Degree holders still get hiring preference though. I managed to get it without one and I was going up against others with degrees, so what does that tell you?

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Are you an actor or work in that industry?

Absolutely. It’s a racket in my opinion. The schools are raking in millions but not giving students a fair ROI.

I do.

I turn lights on and off.

I could see the smug, elitist, “William F. Buckley/George Will” types staunchly defending majors like that but not your average conservative. We aren’t all sitting around drinking scotch and reading The Canterbury Tales translated into Latin.

Clearly the best move is for them to run up $100k+ in student loans only to get a job as a barista and then bitch about “Senate Republicans” holding them down while pining for Bernie to run again. :sweat_smile:


Over 40% of college grads have jobs that do not require a degree:

There are also many who drop out:

Everything You Need to Know About the College Dropout Rate.

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Everyone should learn how to code so in fifteen years big tech can pay lower middle class wages for programmers instead of upper middle class wages!

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We’re not unaware that you think education and any sort of intellectualism is bad and have for a very long time. You’re currently worshipping a guy who may very well be functionally illiterate.

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I worked in education and when it came to hiring new teachers my school would get very few applicants for most of the science positions, although when it came to the other non-science related teaching positions they would get hundreds of applicants. There’s many people out there with degrees working in jobs that have nothing to do with what they studied in college.

Schools should re-structure their fees based on marketability. It should cost considerably less per credit if you are going to get a Sociology or Philosophy degree. The kids who just want the college experience but don’t think long-term are saddled with debt that they can’t escape from.
The fact that schools even create goofy degrees like “Pop Culture” just to entice kids who don’t really belong in college is a crime. If loans were more difficult to obtain you would see a lot of these worthless degree programs dry up.

What percent of their coursework had any relevancy to what they are doing on their job?
