Democrats Praise Australia ,SK,Covid Measures yet their cases are rising?

Now let’s get out there and tongue kiss as many strangers as we can!

Ever hear of co-morbidity? It means those 94% had another undying condition. It could be the big stuff, but it could also have been an unknown case of high blood pressure.

Sweden seems to be doing pretty good the last report I saw from them they have the lowest infection rate in all of Western Europe. Which could not of been easy considering how much criticism they have faced.

You have proved your point with inarguable facts. You will surely be thanked for correcting the record

save your poutrage, the only thing the left cares about is 200K props to use against Trump.

Man, I’m glad I don’t think like you.

That is still a horrible percentage.

and yet I recall hearing how 5% of the population and 25% of the deaths is… bad