Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves

Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they’ll have no one to blame but themselves

QUOTE: If President Donald Trump is re-elected next November, he’ll owe a lot of his victory to the army of activists working tirelessly to put him over the top. No, I’m not talking about the red-hatted MAGA crowd, tireless as they are. I’m talking about the army of leftist activists whose nonstop craziness is moving moderates into the Trump column day by day.

Anti-Trump conservative Rod Dreher shares a letter from a reader who notes the unpersoning of feminist Posie Parker (her crime: not believing that transwomen are women) and the recent attacks on the Salvation Army and writes: “I have never voted for a Republican for president, and I can’t stand Trump. But the ‘Tolerant Left’ is making me so angry with them that I am thinking of voting for him. Since I live in Massachusetts the Electoral College makes it irrelevant, but it would be a protest vote.”

Get real:If 2020 Democrats want to beat Trump, they shouldn’t ignore moderates and indulge the left

We’ve been told repeatedly that Trump is Hitler, even as he backed Israel in the UN and moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We’ve been told that Trump is a Putin puppet even as he sold anti-tank missiles to Ukraine (something Obama never did) and championed fracking in the United States, the success of which has done more to weaken Putin than anything the Obama/Hillary “reset” ever managed. (You could make a better case that the current Democratic candidates who vow to ban fracking are Putin puppets than you could for Trump.)

This isn’t just the fringes of the party, it’s the mainstream UNQOTE

MY COMMENT: I have always said, the extremists Socialist Democrat Party are their own worst enemy.

The Trump dynasty is just beginning.

Don Jr. is pretty sharp. He really came off as a future candidate at the convention:


Candidate for what? He couldn’t get elected Dog Catcher in Manhattan.
Once we get rid of the clown in the WH I will guarantee that not a single person from the Trump family will ever hold high office again.

The only polls that I have seen changing are Independents for impeachment have slipped a bit.
Most of the state polls show Trump underwater in many districts that he won in 2016.
His EC victory was razor thin. And the DNC will ot ignore those districts again.
Trump has made no effort to expand his base. And some polls show that he has lost between 3 -5% of the base that got him elected. And minority group leaders tell about how their groups are super excited about going out against Trump next year. Some have even predicted that minority turnout election day might equal or exceed Obama election numbers.
Bottom line, although it is still early the numbers eleven months out are not in Trump’s favor.
Film at eleven.

Considering that NY elected the braindead socialist bartender AOC, I would brag about who they would or would not elect.

If you say so.

Have you ever watched AOC in committee meetings? She is impressive. You may disagree with her politics but there is no denying that she is a very intelligent woman. In those meetings she is well prepared and asks relevant questions. I have listened to Don Jr. many times. And I must say she would wipe the floor with him in a debate.