Democrats hold on Blacks weakens as Black owned businesses surge to new heights!

except it’s not. Trump’s support is virtually unchanged now for several months.

And this Washington Post article puts in extreme doubt the idea that black support for Trump “is on the rise”.

His support among blacks has been consistently flat…some above the 8% he got in 2016, some below.

But relatively unchanged throughout his presidency.

Well then, we agree!


The unavoidable truth is, the Bernie Sanders/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

Even CNN acknowledges the increase in Trump support among African Americans. Are they lying too?

Trump has gained among black voters since the 2016 election

”Here’s the thing though: It does actually seem that Trump has gained support among African-Americans since the 2016 election.”


Socialism is intentionally designed to benefit politicians who confiscate and then redistribute “free government cheese”, while it punishes those who have produced the cheese.

ABC poll out this morning has Trump approval among blacks at THREE PERCENT.

So JohnWK was right, its up 50% over the previous poll!

Good times!

Its really popular in the Conservative Blogosphere right now, this is the second thread I have attempted to kill here alone. Google it and you will see pages of threads about this lie.

Plan on it showing up here at least a few more times, I suppose. I should save these links for the next time. :slight_smile:

I’m curious as to why Republicans are now quick to point out African American popularity towards the president, business growth, etc. None of that mattered when Obama was President. What is there to prove? Or brag about? Its all the rage from the CEC.

So, they disagree with the NAACP?


Socialism is intentionally designed to benefit politicians who confiscate and then redistribute “free government cheese”, while they enslave those who produce the cheese.

What was the goal of this thread, aside from trumpeting false data?

Did you read the title of the thread?

The liberty to succeed or fail at one’s own hand is a socialist’s nightmare and not the American Dream