Democrats and their censorship problem

Why straight to porn?


Two teenagers — one White and transgender, the other a Black high-school student named Richard with a tragic past — ride the same bus home each day.

Due to frank discussions about gender identity, the criminal justice system, and race-based content, the book was part of seven bans in classrooms or libraries over the past school year.

The federal government has no business regulating speech including defamation. If an individual is defamed, they may sue under state laws after the fact.


They created a democratic process to makes sure books were fit for children in schools. Are you against that?


Not including a book in a state run school is not the same thing as banning. It is merely a matter of whom decides which books. No doubt every school librarian thinks they are the only decider.

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Well, they are the experts, and of course, if they did choose anything wild and crazy, they’d be overruled.

The parents are the experts.


In other threads parents are being blamed for their bad behavioured children, and how it disrupts school. Now you want them to decide what books are suitable for kids?
You think arents have the ability to make

If these parents are responsible for determining who will be the next President, they should be considered responsible enough to determine which books their children should read.
Actually, they are responsible most directly for selecting the school board members or those who run the state.
Just saying, there is nothing making the librarian the final “expert” over what books should be selected for schools. Who makes that determination and which books are selected does not make that selection a banning of books that were not selected.

They certainly are not.

One of the dumbests posts I have read…well done.

Why, thank you.

And your faith in the state handing out official book selection authority certificates is inspirational.


Complete sentences?

Parents are responsible in both cases. Check your premises.

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Oh yes we are.

:roll_eyes: :joy: :roll_eyes:

A child psychologist raise yours?

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Libs…are you still going to deny that you support censorship?