Democratic Party sues Russia, Trump campaign for allegedly disrupting 2016 election

Collusion delusion except for dems and Fusion. Rush is saying the dems dumping the collusion story for the midterms. No one cares any more.

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They are trying to bring us back. We have moved on.

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I’ll repeat this is about hacking of DNC server. Lets not forget it was THEM that didn’t want the feds to investigate.

You libs should be asking why…but you won’t.

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Why would the Democrats trust the corrupt DOJ and FBI with their servers?

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yes, Obama’s era was corrupt…

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Why would Trump supporters on the right want to bring their audience back to a topic that they believe they have moved on from? That doesn’t make much sense to me.

Because they are one and the same.

No. It wasn’t. The FBI and the DoJ didn’t get that way until the Trump era began. Just ask him. :smile:

Talking heads.

Looks like you were mistaken about America moving on my friend.

Most voters think it is important to continue investigating whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia

From the link provided by the Fox News poll released today. A full 2/3rds of Americans believe it is important for the investigation by Mueller into Russia and potential Trump campaign collusion to continue. FYI…

Also from the link…

About two-thirds, 67 percent in the latest Fox News poll, say it is at least somewhat important the investigation continues, and 56 percent think it’s likely that Mueller’s probe will find Donald Trump committed criminal or impeachable offenses.

Too funny. Two freaking years. And you actually believed it. Wow. :rofl: :rofl:

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Crazy to think that with so many in Trump’s orbit involved with Russians, and so many lies from the Trump camp, that people would think there were Trump campaign ties.

We know Russians approached the Trump campaign with materials that would aid their campaign in the Trump Tower meeting. And the Trump team lied about it.

We know Sater told Cohen via email that Putin and the Russians would help Trump get elected as part of discussing the Trump Tower Moscow deal. And we know the Trump team lied about it.

We know that Stone had contacts with Guccifer regarding the hacked emails.

We know that Manafort—the campaign manager at the time—gave Killimnik internal polling data (doing this with a US super PAC would be a federal offense).

But nah, it’s totally crazy to think there’s any connection there.

Bless your heart.

Do you believe hillary committed crimes? Just wonderin’

No blessing needed. I’ll do what I always do—focus on policy and demonstrating how Trump’s policies are detrimental to the country.

Trump supporters cant fathom people accepting a Mueller report if it goes against their political interests.

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The economy is better than it has ever been. Though I guess it wouls be bad for a Socialist.

This goes over their heads. Im sure they’ll misconstrue what youre saying here.

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That was an insult, dear.