Democrat National Clown Show šŸ¤£

Mainly because even with both of them you would not have enough brains to fill a thimble. No way those two idiots who have never done anything but suck on the government tit their whole lives could do anything but run their mouths.

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Trump gets credit for getting the vaccine doneā€¦too bad he did not promote it to get more people to take it.

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Thatā€™s cute.

Biden had a plan! He told us so!

So now Trump is responsible for Bidenā€™s failure?

BTW, he had no plan except to follow the one Trump left him and execute it poorly.


without it, there would be nothing. The whole $35 insulin thing was Trumps plan. He put the pilot through to prove the concept.

All Trump had to so was do a PSA to take the vaccine. What stopped him?

Okay, please let me get this straight:

  • Biden is top nominee for the Democrat candidate, as per delegates

  • Biden finds the presidency more challenging and faces health issues, so he suspends his campaign to run, handing his campaign money and delegates to Klamydia

  • The Democrats still want to have Joe Biden run

Is Joe back in the race??

Also, can we please merge this thread and the other DNC thread?


I know you authoritarians love yourselves some mandates when people wonā€™t voluntarily do your bidding, but lifeā€™s hard. Get a helmet.


He couldnā€™t deliver.

Protestors already trying stuff with mace, water bottles, and sticks, and the police responded professionally (they were trained leading up to this):

Commie-luh, Commie Laharris, Comrade Kamalala


Yur funny.

And badass just like every Gen X survivor out there.

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Please realize they were pro palestinian protestors. Not just protestors.

The RNC should definitely be against lobotomies and add it as a major platform plank.

By finish the job they mean complete the task of the transformation of America into some Venezuela style leftist hell hole.


ā– ā– ā– ā–  bag terrorist then?

I hear Hungary is nice this time of year. Maybe you all should relocate?

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Im good with your takeā€¦

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