Democrat National Clown Show 🤣

If she wins and attempts to implement her ideas…the correct next new name will be…Commu-la.

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I mean even kamala agrees food prices have been high under their administration. :joy::rofl:
You cant make this stuff up. Pure gold


Harris and Biden did that…now Harris and Walz are says hold my beer.


No? Odd.

:clown_face: :+1:t5:

Why should I give a rat’s ass or pay for a road in NYC’s garbage dump?




Get your freebies at the DNC!!

Maybe it’s just me…

… but I think it takes a lot of balls to get a vasectomy in a trailer.

It’s nuts.


Current inflation rate is 2.9%
U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00%, a 3.3% increase from 2021. U.S. inflation rate for 2021 was 4.70%, a 3.46% increase from 2020. U.S. inflation rate for 2020 was 1.23%, a 0.58% decline from 2019. U.S. inflation rate for 2019 was 1.81%, a 0.63% decline from 2018.
To your point yes the inflation rate is coming down however, the 8% rate was as a direct result of reckless spending by the Dimbulbcrats. Harris was responsible as the tiebreaker for two of the biggest spending bills. Harris’ economic plan includes among other whiz bang doomed to failure pipe dreams, more spending.
I’m intrigued with the Harris plan to jack the corporate tax rate to 35% and using the FTC to enforce food price control? And you think paying 50% more for bread is high? There might not be any.


Insulin costs are down. Medicare is able to negotiate cheaper drug prices. Automatic cash refunds for cancelled flights. They are working on making it so talking to an actual human being for customer service calls.

weren’t those Trump policies? He was the one that got ball rolling. But again we all know libs like taking credit for other people actions.


He didn’t get any of it done. Why should he get the credit?


Seriously,they could have cured cancer and stopped the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and you would still think they suck. And you know it.

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Your definition of under control is weird.

It’s like those episodes of Star Trek where the ship is getting ■■■■■■ up and when someone asks if everything is fine the response is it’s under control.

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he did get the pilot program for insulin done.

trump defeated ISIS, got the Abraham accords and a vaccine for Covid and you still think he sucks, so why not?


Good. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.

It’s not that big a deal.

Which of those has already happened?

Steve Kerr gave a very nice speech. Night Night.

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