Democrat 2020 Anxiety


That isn’t what House Republicans are thinking! They be worried about the Democratic Presidential Candidates health care talk!

House Republicans release plan in bid to fulfill Trump promise as ‘party of health care’

Published 16 hours ago

The Republican Study Committee released a healthcare plan Tuesday to replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare, two years after the GOP was unable to agree on a health care plan during the first year of President Trump’s administration.

The plan also represents an effort to compete with Democrats’ messaging on “Medicare-for-All” and other health care plans as the 2020 Democratic primary campaign hits its stride.

House Republicans release plan in bid to fulfill Trump promise as 'party of health care' | Fox News

It seems some of the Democratic Candidates with their ‘Medicare-For-All” talk has the Republicans worried! It seems the lazy assed Republicans are finally trying to do something positive on health care, since they must know Obese Donald has no real intent to deliver on his promises. Nice to see them actually thinking about the people and putting forth ideas to help them rather than just mindlessly voting more than 70 times to take options away from people.

Americans don’t deserve Medicare for All or any decent healthcare system.

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I don’t see your point with the Bonnen story. It has nothing to do with national politics.

House Speaker Bonnen was recorded on tape plotting primary defeats of moderate Republicans in the Texas House.

You don’t think Texas’ electoral votes matter in a presidential race?

What does Bonnen have to do with Electoral Votes? Nothing.

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LMAO… Sure is a lot of fear and anxiety amongst the Texas GOP…

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Figure dems take another 2 or 3 is house seats from Texas turn blue.

It’s trump and his supporters don’t even see it.


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How many United States house seats flipped blue in Texas because the burbs voted blue and not red?


At this point unless Mayor Pete really takes off its quiet possible Warren or Sanders is going to win. The really scary party is if one or the other dropped out the other one would 100% win and they both are running with medicare for all.

Over Bonnen? No. 90% of the voters in Texas never even heard of Bonnen. You’re digging a dry well with this one. Bonnen will be replaced with another Republican Speaker within a few days and it’ll be forgotten about.

The answer would be two. Figure two more in 2020.


How familiar are you with the Texas political landscape?

That would make 21 -R and 15-D
So what?

More than you are, judging from your posts. Bonnen’s resignation will have 0 impact on the 2020 presidential election.


You’re shifting gears- just as I thought. What you posted has nothing to do with Bonnen.
Texas is becoming infested with Northern liberals moving down here due to their companies moving to Texas. The political landscape is shifting, but it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the Bonnen fiasco.

Living in Texas, I can pretty much assure you that the name “Bonnen” would draw a blank stare to the faces of most people you would ask about him.

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Laughable. He is spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars on a wall that he said Mexico would pay for.

He has cost over 100 million dollars playing golf after he said unambiguously that he would be too busy to play golf.

Hardly a glowing endorsement for the claim in your post.
