DEM DAM BREAKING? First Democrat Says He Will Likely Vote ‘NO’ on Impeachment

Originally published at: DEM DAM BREAKING? First Democrat Says He Will Likely Vote ‘NO’ on Impeachment | Sean Hannity

New Jersey Congressman Jefferson Van Drew confirmed Friday he will likely vote “no” on impeaching President Trump should Speaker Pelosi bring the Articles to the House Floor.

“Van Drew represents a district that had long been held by the GOP until his election in 2018. He was one of only two Democrats to break party lines in late October and vote against a resolution establishing procedures for the public phase of the impeachment inquiry,” reports The Hill.

“Van Drew said that the weeks since then — which have featured several public hearings with witnesses to Trump’s dealings with Ukraine and constitutional experts — haven’t changed his position that impeachment isn’t warranted,” adds the website.

“I’ll look at new information that’s presented. I’ll always have an open mind. But where I am now is where I was before,” Van Drew told The Hill.

“Nobody ever forces me how to vote,” Van Drew added.

Read the full report here.

Source: The Hill