DEI-PRA Discussion-Culture Wars

And I think we can all agree with this definition of equity.

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Should the outcomes be equal if the inputs are disparate?


Still no?

This statement is interesting

“There was a whole string of events that did lead up to to my being relieved of command," he said.

Wonder what those were?

A little research will relieve the wondering. He wrote a book. He participated in a podcast.

So I have to read a book to find out? Yeah no thanks. I am sure his podcast and book are unbiased and make him out to be a victim.

I doubt very much he was fired just because he criticized DEI.

Its funny to see DEI now the new bogeyman of the right. Not to long ago it was critical race theory.

No, it was one of the events. You are not required to read it. Although the practice may help you with your comprehension issues.

Based on what?

What’s really funny is apparently you feel the two are separate things.

DEI is the praxis of CRT.

Zero interest in reading his book or watching his podcast.

And mate your comments on DEI in other threads prove you know ■■■■ all about DEI or you just want to rail against it for some unknown reasons.

No need to read or listen. You asked a question, those are at least part of the answer.

I know more about CRT and DEI than any 100 people you ever met. Combined.

It’s Marxism and Marxism is evil.

Its not Marxism but you are free to believe what you want.

:rofl: Thank you. You’re right. It’s neo-Marxism.

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A book and a podcast and they took his retirement.

Thou shalt not criticize the dogma.

I have no idea why they took his retirement but I guarantee it was not because of one single reason.

No you can’t.

He told you why. That’s my evidence. What’s yours?

So you always take someone’s word as evidence? Oh thats right you take someones word when it supports your world view.

The victim’s?

What evidence do you have to the contrary?

You, from your couch, are calling a US military officer with 20 years of honorable service a liar. On what evidence?

Lol so just because he was in the military for 20 years makes him immune to any criticism? Uh oh here it comes because I did not serve in the US military I am not allowed to comment. Psst the military if a reflection of human societies, there are good, great even amazing individuals in the military and there are also the opposite.

Based on his own words there is more to the story than he is letting on. i never called him a liar but I am sure there is more to this than just him criticizing DEI. As he said it was one of the events. What were the other events? That is integral to this whole narrative he is presenting.