Conservatives used to be as high on personal responsibility as they were on family values. And then they lined up behind an elderly reprobate who hasn’t blamed himself for any failure since Daddy gave him a small loan.
McCain was not loved by all that many people. Guess Rep Lewis didn’t notice that, for if he had, he would have remembered that Obama kicked McCain’s ass in 2008 and Bush beat his ass in the 2000 primaries.
McCain was aa loser. He got captured in Vietnam. He lost his battle with cancer. Now he’s costing the Republicans the house. Hopefully history forgets this so called man.
Here’s a real beauty of a statement by Jason Lewis.
Lewis questioned the federal government’s role in outlawing slavery: "In fact, if you really want to be quite frank about it, how does somebody else owning a slave affect me? It doesn’t. If I don’t think it is right, I won’t own one, and people always say ‘well, if you don’t want to marry somebody of the same sex, you don’t have to, but why tell somebody else they can’t?’ Uh, you know, if you don’t want to own a slave, don’t. But don’t tell other people they can’t.
To be fair Trump is just the end result of 25 years of the CEC brainwashing their consumers into creating this world so detached from reality.
The party of personal responsibility is literally incapable of taking any. Trump is just the ethos of that lack of responsibility and and other vileness that has been created.
Plenty of conservative media figures have realized that you can make an absolute killing by playing rhetorical footsie with stupid, hateful people. They just have to ride that line between telling the ********* what they want to hear while still playing up the “mainstream” conservatism just enough to keep the apathetic suburban whites interested.
Yeah… my old college room mate who is Mormon used to share Mark Dice videos until I pointed out the parts of Mark Dice that are really really hateful towards Mormons.
Then he moved on to Stephan Molyneux… which spurred a conversation about de-fooing and how harmful that is to families. … and this was before Molyneux went full out white nationalist.
So yeah… It seems that the best way for the Conservative mindworms to take hold is to slow roll the crazy while wrapping oneself in a conservative flag.
To be fair, these folks don’t actually care about winning or losing elections. They want to make money. If anything, it’s better if Republicans lose and have a target to be angry at. Improves the ratings I’m sure.