‘DECLASSIFY THE DOCS’: Sen. Graham Asks the Attorney General to ‘Declassify’ FISA Abuse Documents

Originally published at: ‘DECLASSIFY THE DOCS’: Sen. Graham Asks the Attorney General to ‘Declassify’ FISA Abuse Documents | Sean Hannity

Sen. Lindsey Graham called-on Attorney General Bill Barr to release a series of documents related to allegations of widespread FISA abuse during the 2016 election; saying the American people have a right to view the “complete results” of the Inspector General’s investigation.

“Since March 28, 2018, the Department’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, has been conducting an investigation into the Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable Department and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) related to Carter Page. According to Inspector General David Horowitz that investigation is nearing completion,” Graham wrote in a letter to the Attorney General.

“In order for the Inspector General to be able to present the most complete results of his investigation to Congress and the American people, certain documents will need to be declassified and released to the public. I write to urge you to declassify all documents the Inspector General identifies as appropriate for declassification as much as possible, without harming national security,” he added.

Read Graham’s full letter to the Attorney General here.