Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

Yes, retail companies like Sears and Toy R Us tend to go out of business with those losses, tech companies like Uber can operate at a loss since the expectation is future growth through tech.

Trump, is a bad business man this is well documented, he got saved in large part thanks to his hit reality TV show The Apprentice

Yup. Public companies at one point sold a lot of stock to raise money for their venture. Don hasn’t done that. Public companies also issue more stock to take in more money. Don hasn’t done that. He’s done everything privately.

Oh I wouldnt bring up sears…that’s just another scam and currently in court over those practices that destroyed that company…guess who is a part of that scam?

And tru…wouldn’t bring that up either since they were straddled with a massive amount of debt in order to kill it because they would get fat bonuses while the little guy got ■■■■■■■

You should go 3 for 3 and pick another terrible example

How much is a billion Reagan-bush era dollars in rubles?

How many apartments laundering Russian oligarch money does that equate to?

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Maybe, don’t know because the blowhard refuses to release his tax returns.



In the words of Jamie lannister…

Where does he get his money?

We know American banks refuse to lend to him.

That’s kind of important information about the chief executive when his own nationals won’t lend him money.

Where’s it come from?

Trump can’t file for federal bankruptcy protection regarding the money he owes the Russian Mafia. That’s why he’s in bed with that one enemy. So Putin will stop them from doing bad things.


The point I am making is that tech companies tend to operate at a loss they are a new normal and cannot be compared to traditional companies especially retail or real estate

Republicans elected a man can’t get a car loan from a US bank.

We’re over the cliff.

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So we are deleting and flagging…
Because the examples of what is being put out there are dead wrong…

Lol…where is conan?

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James Woods died for this…


What do you expect? He hadn’t monetized ■■■■■ grabbing until early 2002.

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And they think they done good.

■■■■■■■ amazing.

You know, it’s not a crazy idea to judge a man by who won’t lend money to him, especially a “business” man. Nor is it crazy to judge him by who WILL lend him money.

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It’s likely his losses were greater.

But we’ll never know because he’s a liar.

Yep, that guy.

Was Elon Musk on the ballot in 2016?

Released during the decade where he lost a $BILLION$.

That book was a lie too.

Well that’s an understatement.

Scroll down to page 42. Shows the places/people/entites Trump owes money to.

16 listed. Please tell me what ones are russian mafia. Please and thank you.

(by the way out of 16, only 4 are Deutsche Bank, the other 12 companies/entities are not.