Deadbeat insurrectionists

Right. Because they’re white.

The big surprise here is that they did something.

Must have been the horde of cameras that pushed it.

And cops are almost uniformly political conservatives if not outright right wing extremists.

One in which people shouldn’t be arrested for not breaking the law and the 2nd Amendment is actually law.

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The Portland police were coordinating with Patriot Prayer

They don’t like Antifa.

Of course. And white.

Of course. They’re white.

Oh… so a fantasy land where you can draw a gun out on a crowd of people right in front of a cop and expect nothing to happen.


It’s Oregon. ■■■■■■■ everybody is white.

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No doubt.

On the outside.

Oh I don’t like where this is going at all. This has strong vibes of what people called me for being a hip hop fan in the pre-Eminem era.

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I don’t care if you like my posts or not. There is no doubt that ANTIFA and BLM share objectives. There is no doubt that Antifa calls everybody who disagrees with them racists.

I didn’t call you anything “pre-Eminem era” and I haven’t called you anything today. Your “vibes” are your problem.


He was detained, interviewed , and released. No charges against him nor should there be.

The Antifa people who pepper sprayed him should be arrested.


There’s a very common term people use for people they claim are white on the outside but black on the inside and if that’s not what you’re heavily implying now would be a good time to confirm that.

Or what?

Anyway, a whole generation of kids who were basically raised as shut ins are discovering that were you’re young and overdosing on testosterone, fist-fighting can be quite an enjoyable pastime.

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Nothing except me being forced to conclude that’s what you’re saying and that’s not a good look in 2021. It wasn’t in 1995.

So what? You think I care even a little bit about “a good look” at anytime? Whatever would give you that impression?

Don’t try to superimpose my words on your imaginary childhood.

I’m neither responsible for nor do I care what your little friends called you in 3rd grade.

You can’t shame me.

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Oh and by the way: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::+1:t3::+1:t4::+1:t3: