DAY OF RECKONING: Bruce Ohr Arrives at the Capitol for ‘CLOSED DOOR GRILLING’ over Trump Dossier

Originally published at: DAY OF RECKONING: Bruce Ohr Arrives at the Capitol for ‘CLOSED DOOR GRILLING’ over Trump Dossier | Sean Hannity

The anti-Trump DOJ official with multiple connections to the debunked ‘Trump Dossier’ arrived at the US Capitol Tuesday morning to face a “closed door grilling” from Congressional Republicans over his ties to a former British spy.

Bruce Ohr will speak with GOP leaders behind closed doors over his connection to ‘Trump Dossier’ author Christopher Steele and his wife’s ties with shady opposition research firm Fusion GPS.

“Republicans are to allege that Ohr played a key role in selling the dossier, commissioned by Fusion GPS and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee. They are likely to ask why Ohr broke with protocol and kept up communication with its author, Steele, long after the FBI fired him as a source in late 2016 due to his contacts with the media,” writes Fox News.

“We are frustrated with how long this reengagement with the Bureau and Mueller is taking,” Steele wrote to Ohr. “Anything you could do to accelerate the process would be much appreciated.”

Read the full report at Fox News.