David Hogg says he will continue to wear a Mask so others Won't Think He's a Conservative

No, not joking. I don’t follow him the way you apparently do.

I never followed him, he just made the news. Oh, you know why…You aren’t dumb…

I don’t read articles about irrelevant people.

Doesn’t matter you know why you aren’t dumb…

I hadn’t thought about that twit for the longest time. You brought him up; he must be important to you.

Not really, Just thought after hearing about his rant just thought it would be fun to point it out, you still know why I believe. Come on man!

You can believe what you want to believe.

At most he is background noise, not worth wasting time on.

The left USED him. Now that he’s not useful…

Now that his big plan to take down Lindell with his own pillow factory went to hell, he is going to try something else. He needa to realize his usefulness to the ledt is over. He was needed for one thing and one thing only. Other than that even the left don’t give a crap about him.


I mean I like the cause that he champions but something’s wrong with him. Really hope that was a joke - for his sake

This is what happens when you make mask wearing, during a pandemic of a novel respiratory virus, political

So he is going to wear one for the remainder of his life ? Serious question.

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He probably won’t…for his sake I hope not.

So, we’re taking a statement from one person and using that to make general statements about entire groups now? Cool. Let me go find something dumb that Marjorie Taylor Greene said and go to town…

You’re too late.

Yes, yes we are.
Hogg is a moron and if he doesn’t want to to be ID’d as a conservative by wearing a mask?

I see his thinking is as reflection of many on the left, so yes.

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Where did he get the idea? LOL

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You will have vast selection to choose from. She is a complete idiot. Not sure if she’s doing it on purpose but god she’s good at it.

Tried to cash in on a pillow company. Desperately trying to pretend he does believe in something…as a brand of course.