Dark side of the moon

it just occurred to me that for a few minutes tomorrow, the side of the moon that we usually see will become the dark side of the moon…

and if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes…


Uh … That happens every time there is a new moon.

not quite

The dark side of the moon is the exact opposite of the side that is lit by the sun. There is always a dark side except during Lunar eclipses when the entire Moon is dark.

I don’t know who wrote that article, but they made a serious error. They say that “A solar eclipse is a natural event that happens when the moon blocks the sun from view. This can only happen during a full moon and will result in a total solar eclipse.”

That is wrong. The full moon this month is on the 23rd. The solar eclipse will occur on the 8th … during the new moon. All solar eclipses occur during new moons; all lunar eclipses occur during full moons.


That article is eclipsed.

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It reads like it was written for third graders … and they still got it wrong. :wink:

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