(D)omestic Terror in Atlanta

The persons name is right by the quote. It is in the article linked in the post to which I was replying. I am not going to copy the entire article which you should have read before making your comments.


You mean the guy who wrote the blog post on Lawfare?

Which leftists? Who are “my guys”? Did I say that no leftist had been charged under that statute before? If you believe there is no conceptual relationship between the arguments made against the state law and the federal law, why do you care about who was charged before?
How many people have been charged before under the state law? What were their names? What were their political philosophies?

No. You need an English refresher course.

Because apparently, you think we’re “opening a Pandora’s box.”

What’s in the box? More of the same?

What are we supposed to be afraid of?

I referenced the article. I am not defending it. You may want to contact the author.

“Do you think 18 USC 2384 is a new law?” Is not an argument.

Well, well… Seems an SPLC lawyer is among the violent individuals arrested. Claims he was there as a legal observer to document the heavy-handed police enforcement intervention against the “protesters.” I am going to go out on a limb and suspect that he is going to figure in police body cam and dash cam footage. I think we have a lawyer among us. Do tell us what happens to members of the bar if convicted of violent criminal activity?

Southern Poverty Law Center lawyer arrested, charged with domestic terrorism amid Atlanta ‘Cop City’ attack


A Georgia state government official was on Fox this morning said all but two of the people arrested were from out of town…a few from out of the country including Canada and France…

Gee I wonder who paid their bills…

If we could get some facial recognition would we see some of the same faces that rioted in Portland or Minneapolis?

What’s the payscale for professional agitators…do they get dental and a 401k. Are they salaried or is this a contract thing?

The Atlanta Training Center is not going on some old untouched forest…it’s going on land that housed the Old Atlanta Prison farm…which hasn’t stopped a bunch of idiots from babbling about “environmental racism”…whatever that means. (It means the two religions of leftists, envirowackoism and ‘Everything is racist’ have been mushed into one thing I guess)…

I hope the state of Georgia finds a nice comfy cell for the dirtbags who did this for a long time.


Ahhhh…the old Southern Poverty Law Center….

A bunch of left wing nuts if ever there was a bunch of left wing nuts.


No surprise there, SPLC, Antifa, and NAMBLA all run in the same circles.


Did anybody notice that the MSM did NOT give this much coverage yesterday. Why is that? Does everyone here realize the media has become a political weapon of the left?


Everyone does but only one side will admit it.

It’s been that way awhile, it’s got to the point I can tell which media outlets will cover which story and which ones want.


iT’s nOt An oRgAniZaTiOn!

The Canadian and French citizens should be kicked out of the country and never allowed back. The remainder of the scum will have their bail thrown by some leftist lunatic organizations who get money from Soros types. Hope at their preliminary hearings the judge and prosecutors do categorize them as domestic terrorists, set their bail at $1 million or more each and break the banks of whoever is funding these vermin.

Not on board with domestic terrorism laws. We already have laws against trying to murder cops.


The known Antifa members are terrorists.

And you have faith such a law will be applied evenly? Uh huh.

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While this does meet the criteria, I 100% agree with you.

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