Originally published at: CYNTHIA’S STRATEGY? Nixon Says ‘HIGHER TAXES’ Make NY More ‘BUSINESS FRIENDLY’ | Sean Hannity

Democratic challenger for Governor of New York Cynthia Nixon dodged questions surrounding her massive tax scheme Thursday; claiming the state’s high taxes actually makes the region more “business friendly.”

Nixon was speaking with MSNBC when she was asked if New York’s wealthy residents and their businesses would leave should she implement her “millionaire’s tax.”

“If you were successful in imposing a millionaire’s tax or corporate tax, what makes you think those companies and those wealthy people would stay in New York?” asked MSNBC’s Rick Tyler.

“I think that wealthy individuals have the liberty of choosing where they want to live. If high taxes were a thing that would make wealthy people move, we wouldn’t have so many wealthy people in New York,” said Nixon.

“If we want to create jobs for New Yorkers, investing in infrastructure is the most effective way to do it, and it’s a way to prepare our state for the future and make it more business friendly,” she concluded.