Do you really need a CDC official document to be able to figure out that putting infected people in with the oldest, sickest and most vulnerable people is problematic? The CDC is not the only source of common sense.
Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of issues with nursing homes in general as well.
But again, for a lot of these folks, its the only home they have.

Are the people living there being forced to stay there against their will by the government?
Why couldn’t they stay in the hospital? It’s where they got better.
Should they have to?
Who foots the bill?

The CDC is not the only source of common sense.
Common sense has nothing to do with this.

The CDC is not the only source of common sense.
Common sense has nothing to do with this.
Yes, yes it does. Common sense would tell most people not to infect the weakest.

Should they have to?
Who foots the bill?
It’s the safest place.
The government of course. Does a bed in a hospital really cost more than a bed in a nursing home?

The CDC is not the only source of common sense.
Common sense has nothing to do with this.
Yes, yes it does. Common sense would tell most people not to infect the weakest.
Protect the hospitals.

If you can’t make your point clearly, you don’t have a clear point.
I have a clear point.

Anywhere someone is forced by the government to stay against their will is a prison.
Now, remove "to stay "
And you will understand your stance in the above post isn’t so far off of what conservatives believe in.

The CDC is not the only source of common sense.
Common sense has nothing to do with this.
Yes, yes it does. Common sense would tell most people not to infect the weakest.
Protect the hospitals.
If you have a new virus, yes. Do not intermix them in with the other wards of hospitals.
Is the government paying the nursing home bill?
I know that when my great-grandmother was put into a home, the bills came to my mom, not the government.

Is the government paying the nursing home bill?
There isn’t any, they died.

Is the government paying the nursing home bill?
I know that when my great-grandmother was put into a home, the bills came to my mom, not the government.
It sounds like you are saying the government did everything it could?
Except, apparently, when it comes to senior citizens who’ve survived COVID.
No, I don’t believe what I’m saying “sounds” like anything of the sort.
I’m saying- as much as you guys like this as political ammo against Cuomo, it’s a lot more complicated.

Except, apparently, when it comes to senior citizens who’ve survived COVID.
Ahh, I should have stayed with ponder it.
Perhaps you should ponder it.
Why is their freedom unimportant?

Perhaps you should ponder it.
Why is their freedom unimportant?
Then, you’d be against mandatory masks, etc. correct?
Same logic.
No, it’s not the same logic.
No matter how histrionic people get about masks, it’s not comparable to forced imprisonment.
I have a suspicion that had Cuomo ordered that all nursing home residents be forcibly quarantined after recovering from COVID, you guys would be just as upset than you are now, if not more so.

Anyone who wants to ask why did the state do that with COVID patients and nursing home, it’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC guidance. So they should ask President Trump.–Governor Cuomo, May 21
What was CDC guidance in March and April?
Do you really need a CDC official document to be able to figure out that putting infected people in with the oldest, sickest and most vulnerable people is problematic? The CDC is not the only source of common sense.
The CDC guidance at the time was that nursing homes should only accept patients, including re-admissions, that they could take care of. That’s it, clear as mud. I was the only one in this entire thread that bothered to even look it up.