Critprogs-What's The End Game?


I was typing a response, and then thought, why bother.

No one here is looking for honest conversation about the future of america. Certainly not the Emoji Wizard OP.


The hair pulling imagination. “Trump is going to fester the economy get us into wars destroy our image”. Who do you sound like?

I think @WuWei is absolutely interested in answers but i think my answers would be far too idealistic.

Not because the conversation can’t be had with @WuWei.

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He;s just looking for something to laugh at.

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numbers maybe, no weapons though…

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The issue with the discussion is that it deals with our core political beliefs. That’s impossible to truly discuss because our beliefs are set and it won’t change them. Plus in most instances the conclusion has been reached.

Or desire. They have been under autocrat rule for millennia

lost? John Paul Jones comes to mind

but who needs a bloody revolution?

There won’t be a revolution. The left has won nearly every social battle

They have all but won the fiscal one.

The right lost so it’s adopting.

It could still be discussed.

I enjoy hearing other POV about politics. Grew up watching crossfire before it jumped the shark.

But the question wasn’t asked to sincerely hear what democratic voters are looking for from the next administration. It was asked so that laughing emojis could be posted, and so people could say things like ‘they want to imprison us and eat out cats.’

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That’s quite a list, thank you for taking the time.

When all that happens, what do we look like?

You’re not a critprog or even a dem.

That’s not government.

Then why have credit ratings at all?

How do you know?

Then why are you here?


Did I attack you?

I’m looking for idealistic, with how the current path results in the idea.

“He” who?

No. Just a bit testy today. Sorry.

It’s embedded.

It is incompatible with most US cultures.

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