Critical Race Theory Question

Yes. It most definitely did.

And didn’t have to bother with learning to read and write- that’s a plus.

You - on the other hand- measure the United States according to its worst histories and not its best. So a little balance is a good thing. Doncha think?

IDK if you mean me, but[quote=“Call_me_Ishmael, post:466, topic:239502, full:true”]

You - on the other hand- measure the United States according to its worst histories and not its best. So a little balance is a good thing. Doncha think?

That’s certainly not true. But should accurate US History be taught, or should we avoid talking about the issues that made the US what is is today, good and bad?

well of course why not?

i hope that gets taught well yes. people need to know what Democrats are actually like

Definitely. and “racial jungle” too right? Separate buses?

ooh maybe too far?

Yes it did

But we shouldn’t make connections be[quote=“thinkingman, post:468, topic:239502, full:true”]

well of course why not?

i hope that gets taught well yes. people need to know what Democrats are actually like


ween [quote=“thinkingman, post:468, topic:239502, full:true”]

well of course why not?

i hope that gets taught well yes. people need to know what Democrats are actually like


But we shouldn’t make any connections between those things and the inequalities that still exist today? Not to lay blame, but to explain and learn from mistakes?

You do agree that those were all mistakes, right?

You know that you could have sued them, then…since you supposedly have proof.

White conservatives

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Not in writing

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Was slavery an example of system racism?

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sure was


Democrats wanted to conserve the blacks in chains way of life

for a long time

So it’s ok to teach that systemic racism existed?

what inequalities are you talking about?

And under some laws just passed in REPUBLICAN states… saying the term “systemic racism” would get a teacher in trouble.

Is that productive?

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well of course. blacks werent allowed to vote for a long time

not in the context of teaching history

Oh, in employment, housing, education.

It’s kind of embedded in the ‘system’ due to our past.

The laws as they are written are very vague as to what would get the teacher in trouble and could cost the school district money.

Therefore the odds of anything even remotely “controversial” being said would be nil.

Which is just what today’s right wants…

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