COVID-19: A disease that targets the elite?


Yes we need to know whether a relatively short and sweet lockdown followed by a period of flare up control until a vaccine is developed is all that’s needed or if if this was just a first wave.

Additionally, these tests need to be repeated on a regular basis because we also need to know whether any immunity conferred is long-lasting or fades quickly.

Hundreds of thousands dead? They have about 15,000 confirmed and over 700 that died. Is some bomb about to go off?

Coronavirus mutate very quickly, and staying home if you have obvious symptoms favors development of variants that are very easy to transmit but result in little or no symptoms.

This process may explain why China has declared victory and stopped testing. Officials realize that a large portion of the population has developed immunity, and few people will get seriously sick with the new versions of the virus even though the original virus was much more dangerous.

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Look when that post was written.

A lot has happened since then.

China hasn’t stopped testing.

Where are you getting the idea they have?

They’re still dealing with flare-ups.

They certainly haven’t declared victory by any means.

While they have not officially stopped testing, China has been claiming no new domestic cases. Any new cases are blamed on foreign travel.

I expect that outbreaks of “flu” and “viral pneumonia” will become more common in China.

I did. I realized my mistake after posting.

Oh yes I suspect China is lying about no new cases.

All the more reason to get our own data out.

Somehow the term, “herd immunity”, makes me think of the theme song from Rawhide:

What happens when people don’t what to be herded?

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What a complete crock.

As of February 14th you were still blowing this off is nothing to be particularly concerned about.

So much for that self-professed insider expertise and knowledge.

China the country Democrats can’t help but love.

Of course they’re lying about it, they’ve been lying about it since day one.

They lied about it from the start protect their own economic interests and they’re lying about it now still hoping to protect their economic interests.

If China could con the world into believing this they can get international travel to and from China reinstated quickly which will only make the threat to the rest of the world even greater.

But by all means let’s don’t call it what it is the Chinese Corona pandemic of 2020.

That might hurt their feelings.

How many times does it have to be explained to you that people don’t care about hurting China’s feelings?

They care about a surge in hate crimes perpetrated by people who can’t tell the difference between Asian Americans and people who actually live in China.

How can I put this politely but still accurately?

Bull ******!!!

China is at least 95% responsible if not 100% responsible for This Global pandemic and they need to wear it around their necks like a dead albatross.