Couple things that Trump and republicans need to do win

1 Take back the word freedom.

Freedom to chose what car you want to drive, freedom what appliances you want, freedom of school choice and mostly freedom of speech.

2 Stop with Black folks and Latino’s/Hispanic and use words like individuals and people instead. You’re playing right into hands of libs.

3 Economy, economy, and more economy.

4 Global peace.

5 Energy and Job creation.

As I go through this forum I’m still seeing how libs are the one setting the narratives. When I go to news site again libs are setting the narratives. Remain focus on those issue and don’t even respond to them, pivot to those issues every single time.

Now troll and deflect libs…it’s what you do the best.


Lemme know when the actual campaigning starts. lol


Well they’re going to hide Harris and allow the media to set the agenda/narrative.

So stop campaigning against Harris and stop playing their narrative. Always pivot and never answer, respond to their questions.


Border, border, border.
Drill baby drill.


I think that one in particular is important.


Main thing is not walk into clearly marked minefields. Like the whole race thing with Harris was just plain stupid and should have been easily avoided.

The proper answer would have been “as a biracial or racially mixed individual it is ultimately Mrs Harris’s choice on who she identifies more with.”


I think He should push his own policies/record as well campaign against her/biden’s horrible record.


Nominate a candidate that’s not a convicted felon.


You guys are gonna have a tough time with the Freedom stuff since you just stripped half the country of their reproductive rights and want to take it a step further.

Plus, the whole election denialism and fascination with authoritarians bit. Project 2025 was a huge mistake for the GOP.


Bit too late for that.

Plus it isn’t an instant disqualifier. I would have gladly voted for Eugene Debbs and he was a convicted felon running from a prison cell.

Well, to be fair he IS fighting for freedom, just that it is only his own that he is worrying about.


Trump definitely needs a reset. It has been a disastrous last 10 days.

Unprecedented enthusiasm for Harris.
Polls have turned at least 5%+ in DEMs direction.
JD Vance pick historically bad.
No momentum or bounce from convention.
Harris out-raises Trump by $150mm in only 10 days as nominee.
Trump reminds everyone he is a racist and misogynist.

Not surprising the Republicans in Congress and Senate, MAGA pundits and Message boarders are all begging for a new direction.

On deck…

Harris VP pick
DEM Convention

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When it comes down to it, libs will always prefer a prosecutor with a solid record of jailing black people, or at least a politician who authored a bill to jail the “racial jungle” people.

They’ll sacrifice as many of them as it takes for that sweet addiction to feeling virtuous.


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trump cant help himself.

no self control whatsoever.


We will create the virtuous republic. No matter how many heads have to be cut off to achieve it!


Addiction is a disease.

Every time they mention race, pivot to individuals and people/persons. Never mention Blacks, Hispanic, Asians or whites every again. Always use words individual and people.

Trump falls into their trap every single time…and so does most Conservatives here on this forum. Myself included.


Same way with Obama…and one reason why he won. They’re doing the exact same thing here.

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It is too late.

Momentum has switched 180 degrees.

What will change it back?

VP Pick? Convention? Debate?

I don’t think so.

Trump toast.

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People want relief at grocery, fuel etc. That;s what people/individuals care about.