COUNT EVERY VOTE = Dilute every Republican vote

How on earth could counting every legitimate vote in an election “delete” any other votes?

That is some twisted logic for ya!

When Democrats win elections, ALL citizens are victims.

I think Trump actually won by 5% to 10%. I think Hillary was freaking out because they thought they had the election so rigged that there was no way Trump could win, but so many people came out to vote for him that the Democrats couldn’t pull it off, even with the MASSIVE voter fraud they had done. I would love to have been a fly on the wall as Hillary made phone calls to those districts which were “late” in reporting as they tried to come up with enough votes to pull off a win. I bet she was promising them the moon if they would/could do it.

I think one of the reasons that the Democrats accused Trump of collusion with the Russians, is because Hillary had colluded with the Russians to help steal the election, and after Trump won there was a danger that the collusion would get found out, since Trump now had control of the Attorney General’s Office. So they immediately started accusing Trump so that if any evidence was found, they could blame it on Trump. Meanwhile, the investigation into Trump colluding with the Russians allowed the swamp people in the FBI to find and destroy any evidence that Hillary had colluded. We already know that Russian involvement in the election was known by Obama, and for some reason, Obama kept it so secret that even most of his cabinet was kept in the dark about it. We also know that Obama didn’t do anything to try and stop it. I think it was because the involvement was supposed to help Hillary.

The Democrats already treat the American people like property of the Government, and therefore the responsibility of the Government to take care of. It is the condition of a slave to be considered to be the property of somebody else. Treating people like property is key to the implementation of Government Imposed Socialism, because it ignores the fact that people have Human Rights. When Human Rights are protected, as is Government’s DUTY to do, Capitalism occurs.

Rigging elections is nothing compared to the Democrat’s daily violation of our Rights via the illegal Government Handouts, which Democrats use to bribe people to vote for them. The level of Tyranny that people have been conditioned to accept is breathtaking.

If you are not aware of the fact that Democrats advocate and implement Human Rights violating legislation, then you are not are smart as you think you are.

It is not hard to hide voter fraud that nobody ACTUALLY looks for, and the Democrat media sweeps under the rug. Gee, I wonder why Broward County ILLEGALLY destroyed the ballot from the 2016 election? The fraud must have been MASSIVE. Best to get rid of the evidence, just in case.

im a conservative and i dont want you on my side


Of course not. They need an educated workforce.

You’re funny.

how on gods green earth did trump win by 5-10%?

cmon youve got a better argument than that

why not make it

Why not? By the way, stating derogatory conclusions as if they are obvious and no explanation is necessary, is what the lame brain Leftists do. So at this moment, I don’t believe you are a Conservative.

the arguments you are giving here are totally ridiculous

it is not believable to me that you dont see that

then by your own words you wouldnt be a conservative either

youve been stating conclusions as if they are obvious and no explanation is necessary

and those conclusions are in the clouds man

way up there in the clouds

Could you be a little more vague please? ← sarcasm. Again, this is how people on the Political Left behave. They act as if their conclusions are obvious and need no explanation.

Well, since I have more than one bad argument, telling me one that I made which is bad, and WHY it is bad, should be easy. Go for it, I am all eyes.

i already did that

you said that trump won by 5 to 10 percent

where do you get that

did your gut tell you that

never mind

im bored with this already

I said I think he actually beat Hillary by 5% to 10% win, if there was no fraud. Just a guess based on empty Hillary rallys, bursting Trump rallys, and the expectation that the pollsters probably saw at least a 5% advantage for Trump.

not even three years ago all it took to be conservative was wanting less regulation and smaller government and lower taxes

today youve got to believe all of this extra crazy stuff or else youre a leftist

ill take being called a leftist over believing something i know is fake

massive voter fraud he said

trump wins by 5-10% he said

good lord

Wow, you must be an F personality type. You aren’t very good at understanding simple communication. I say you ACT like a Leftist by making derogatory and dismissive statements, and then pretend that your statements are so obvious that no explanation is necessary. Now you jump to incorrect conclusion about what I have said, this is also what Leftists do.

Most people are politically Left because they have been tricked, or they can’t really think logically. You act like somebody who can’t, or won’t, think logically.

Please take the test at the following URL, then report back with your “letters”. Maybe you can be helped.

By the way, the “crazy stuff” comment is once again stating a derogatory comment, and then you failed to back it up by giving an example of what I said that was “crazy”, → Leftist type activity.

Tell me something I said that was “crazy”, and why.

ok you convinced me

there was massive voter fraud because you say so

i disagree so im a leftist

ill just vote democrat from now on

you win the argument

So you now admit that your are a Leftist?

Where are your MBTI letters? Didn’t you take the test?

im saying you win

you called me a leftist

so ill vote democrat


Such strength of character, not. A true Conservative would never let somebody else dissuade them from doing the correct thing by not voting for Democrats. You just acted like a Leftist again.

A true Conservative would not have drawn incorrect conclusions about what I have said, multiple times.

Now you admit you will vote for Democrats. That’s what I suspected. :wink: Your level of comprehension makes you likely to fall for their tactics.