Could trumps tax bill cost the gop seats in the house and senate?

All of the Texas reps who represent border districts are against the wall.

Healthcare for all.
Publicly funded college.
Infrastructure investment.
Paid family leave.
Paid child care.

Oh so scary and socialist.

The green new deal ones will… eventually.

Yet it doesn’t.

Sounds like the promises made by Hugo Chavez…

Trump has made at least 3 of those too!

Hugo is cool, like Trump?

Infrastructure is something that both parties can agree on. Who is writing the bill? Stop talking and start walking.

Healthcare? Everyone is allowed to have health care. What they really want is to force you off of your insurance plan and on to a government plan. I prefer my own insurance, so I’m going to opt out. Just as the politicians prefer their plan and are opting out.

How is that hypocritical?

Ok. Then democratic Senate candidates in red states should run against it. I highly encourage it.

Or basically every developed nation.

Many of my friends have homes in Florida and live there from Oct until April or May. They have all switched their residency to Florida for one reason - and that is to vote in Florida so their vote can make a difference, unlike in NY. Most of their husbands still work in NY (they fly back and forth for the weekend.) so they are still paying NY State income taxes. They all still have homes here, too, so pay property tax in both states.

The fastest way to better and cheaper health care is to outlaw employers paying for health insurance for employees.

There have been a lot of people over the last several years moving from California to Arizona here. They are helping to turn our state purple.

I don’t believe DEMs can connect the dots. They flee high tax blue states for low tax red states and then vote DEM to make their new red state more blue.

Go figure.

Where will the red Texans flee to once the state turns blue or did you not notice the Texas congressional seats that were lost to the dems.


McSally will be up against mark Kelly.

I am happy.

Another one bites the dust…


And what a joke that was. Loses an election and then gets put into office anyway.

How would that make it cheaper and better?

If McSally votes in favor of Trump’s unconstitutional National emergency, I will likely vote for her Democratic opponent again.

People were already moving through the years to less taxed states.