Then we have the Burckle Crater in the Indian Ocean that appears to have impacted during or right before the rise of Sumeria, when the known written history begins:
And the big one in the “news” lately, is the impact crater in Greenland, which may very well be the cause of the Younger Dryas Period, and the subsequent extinction of most North American mega-fauna.
The impact of a one-mile-wide comet on Earth would create a blast yield of about 70-80 Gigatons, which is more powerful than the world’s combined nuclear arsenals today.
Did civilization start 10,000 - 12,000 years ago, or did civilization reboot?
Did written history begin 5,000 years ago, or did it restart?
The Old Covenant part of the Bible was preserved by the Jews. It is a history from Adam. The Gentile nations (all nations except the Jews) are mentioned in the Old Covenant Scripture, but God had separated the Jews out for a special reason. Jesus would enter into the world a Jew in the Jewish nation.
God did not forget about the Gentiles during this time, saying this in Acts 14:16 “In past generations he allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways; 17 yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good and gave you from heaven rains and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.”
And this in Romans 3:9 “[Is he] the God of the Jews only? [is he] not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: 30 Seeing [it is] one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith.” Gentiles were the uncircumcised.
Romans 2:14 When Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuse them."
“The Law” is the Law of Moses. It was not given to the Gentiles., only the Jews. Gentiles lived by the law written in their hearts - their conscience, like we live today.
Abraham was a descendant of Shem - one of Noah’s three sons. Abraham was born AM 2008. Scripture records Abraham at Ur in lower Mesopotamia - major cultural center for ancient Sumer Scripture calls it the Land of Shinar. Abraham is placed in the 3rd Dynasty of Ur which was the greatest Sumerian civilization. After that, Sumerian civilization passed into history in the Bible account.
Ur was mentioned again in 550 BC in the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
There were other Gentile nations living on earth at that time, but the Jews only kept records of their nation’s history from Adam.
We credit the Sumerians with inventions like sewage systems, yet such things predate them by more than 5,000 years. The lie that humans hunted the wooly mammoths to extinction is just that, also.
In fairness, Noah’s flood may have been a result of the Burckle Crater’s formation. I see the Hiawatha Impact as the cause of Methuselah’s flood (Book of Enoch). I think the two have merged over the eons into one story.
A genetic bottleneck may have certainly taken place 13,000 years ago. Around that time, fossils of Sapiens found indicate black people with blue eyes in Britain.
A similar bottleneck likely happened around 75,000 years ago when the super volcano Mt. Toba erupted, killing off the remaining Erectus family of humans.
For now, the area will be officially named 12 Tepe (12 Hills).
Immediately following the Ice Age, we have megalithic structures, and not just in one spot anymore. 11 more holes in the idiotic idea that everyone was a bunch of stupid cavemen back then.
Yes, human brain size peaked about 10000 years ago. Today people are free to specialize in one narrow area, but a hunter-gather who could not make tools or start a fire was unlikely to survive.
I suspect that there may be even older settlements, especially along the coast. The problem with finding them is that ice-age coastal villages would now be miles out to sea given the change in sea level.
Coastal land masses equaling the size of Europe and China combined have been lost to the sea since the end of the last ice age. There are skeletal structures left in some places, but the salty seas are unforgiving.
I keep hoping for a good tele-submarine I can use with my VR headset, preferably one of the hypersonic trans medium ones, so I can explore the worlds oceans.
That would be pretty awesome. Best do it while you still can. In 10,000 years, amateur archeologists and historians will be arguing over who could’ve possibly had the technology to carve Mt. Rushmore.
If reincarnation of some sort is real and you are offered a chance to come back, would you? Assuming reality is pleasant. I have to imagine I would need at least a few thousand years to get bored enough to play this game again.
Yes, I will return. However, time as we know it only exists as it does in our current filters/bodies. I may decide to be a Chinese peasant girl in the year 500 AD, and it wouldn’t be the “past”. I may decide to be a famous celebrity in the year 3020. Don’t know yet. Still too busy unraveling this particular adventure I created for myself.
I don’t think you get a choice or we’d all be rich and famous or great warriors or whatever. Who signs up for peasant stable boy number 247,321? And if I picked my parents I was a real dumb ass.
I have. It’s not the only one, and there are bigger ones in the area. There are sunken ruins off the coast of Japan, India, Cuba, etc… A lot has come and gone, and just as it is with the fossil record, a lot has not been recorded.