Coronavirus Thread Political

I feel bad for Dr. Fauci. He is a true nonpartisan professional and he has to deal with his boss saying things like, “The Deep State Department.” This is the Idiocracy folks.


The most severe sanctions in history and reparations for the harm they have done.

Break them in half economically.

If they even attempt to retaliate cut off all exports of ag products to the and dlap a 100% tariff on all imports until all dependence on Chinese manufactured goods is ended.

If they want a shooting war let them face the greatest first strike in history.

■■■■ China and anyone who supports them

Best guess with the timeline of 18 months – 2 to 3 months. Depends on how many volunteers they can get to get the vaxine then be exposed. Doesn’t do anygood to test posative and get the vaxine. Because remember they need a nice cross segment of the population, men and women, different age groups and all that.

Only to the MAGA crowd

It’s the association of China with something bad that makes its a pejorative. Back in the day when it was still okay to call Native Americans Indians it still was a pejorative to call someone an Indian Giver or to refer to Indian Summer.

Weird. Then you should also be telling Trump to stop calling it the Chinese Virus.

Yet…here we are

So the answer is a nuclear war?

I’m a layman… I don’t know how long it takes for a vaccine to go through trials etc before its approved for general use and I think you can assume most other Americans are the same… If you were to ask the average person how long from now is “very close” I highly doubt they’d answer a year and a half.

Wow. This is our President.


Well that’s a pile of irrational nonsense.

Do you think Americans would be willing to accept the economic turmoil and inevitable recession, if not depression, that would come from this? Even if we knew it would eventually be better for us in the long run?

I’m not sure the public at large would support such measures. Personally, I could easily weather this. So I could personally support it. I’m just not confident most Americans could or would.

Don’t even go there. I have worked in Big pharma for 11 years. My qualifications are significant. I could school you.

Guys we MUST MUST call it thr Chinese Virus. It is IMPERATIVE else people will not know it originated on the China Mainland.

Who cares about the feewings and welfare of the the American people including Chinese Americans.

Not. Trump’s. Fault.

Why don’t ya just school him? Do it!

Thank God! It could have been Hillary. :anguished:

This is insanity. And the type of thinking Trump’s dog whistle is promoting

Yep. As is this. His insistence on trying to downplay the risk, and hype up the progress is really not helping anything. We need calm, rational, FACTUAL information coming from the Presidency.

Trump Oversells Breakthroughs in Boasts of U.S. Virus Response

A hospital ship that can’t yet sail, a drug that’s not approved for coronavirus, a windfall of masks that’s not due until next year. Donald Trump has repeatedly overstated his government’s accomplishments as he tries to calm Americans and fight the spread of coronavirus.

It should be the Wahun viris. I just don’t want to look up how to spell it everytime I call it the chinese virus.

if you believe him i have a bridge to sell you