Coronavirus Thread Political II

Did I say that?

I didnt…

Look at you making up arguments…typical. if you cant play along with what’s typed then dont bother replying to me

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Did he run out of adderall?

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Youre attitude of the illness may have changed, but you might have hit on what is turning out to be a fact According to Italy, 99% of those who died of the illness were suffering from other illnesses.


Interesting, says who?
Is the economy?

Where are you getting that 99% statistic?

See attached article. Bloomberg, which got it from Italy.

More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority.

You really cant compare the two countries. There is more unity in South Korea which is a homogenous society like Japan. In the U.S. the country has many identities, interests groups etc… So this is why during a crisis a non homogenous society will obviously decline into panic and chaos faster. The media isn’t helping, and people need to look past the president here they are talking depression that is much worse than the great recession which 10,000,000 people lost their houses.

Listen to the questions they asked during press conferences berating the president for calling a disease which came from China, the Chine Virus. They are fit for nothing except stoking the flames of an already divided nation. If the country does fall, it won’t be pretty everybody will group up based on identity and society will look more like the purge with rampant violence and crime. There is close to 20 million people living here illegally of which even the Obama administration said of the illegals here 1 million had criminal records. The fall will be ugly, learn how to shoot if you don’t know how.


Here is how South Korea did it, with a level of surveillance that very very few would put up with in the west.

I understand was reading about it, just seems like a better option than the slow decline into chaos. I could be wrong but the panic is what is worrying me.

Panic is a killer all right.


You tell me. You are the one sitting there at the meetings watching him sleep.

You do so well, then you do something like this.

You have claimed several times to have expertise. What is it?

Sitting there? The internet provided me a clip to watch this evening.

Pre-existing condition does not mean that these people would have died quickly if not for the virus. There are a ton of Americans with pre-existing conditions.

Even if we were to grant it not being significantly worse than the flu…the flu kills people. If too many people got the flu at the same time it’d be bad.

Of course there is some fear monger if about it being an existential threat to humanity, but without reductive measures there can be a considerable amount of preventable premature deaths.

"The Internet provided me … " That pretty much epitomizes your credibility. :wink:

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Come on Samm, you can do better than that. :yawning_face:

Absolutely correct.

Good post!!

Of course I can. But there is no reason to max out when it not necessary.

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I’m scared. I’m avoiding leaving the house, when I do I practice social distancing.

It’s funny, my whole neighborhood was working in their garages today. Getting ■■■■ done :muscle: